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Bumkins Super Bib Review
Two weeks ago we were sent a Bumkins Waterproof Super Bib by the lovely people at Bebemoda. This is a lightweight bib suitable for feeding and drinking with children from 6 months to 2 years. Ours is a Cat in the Hat design based on the book character created by Dr Seuss.
I chose William to trial and model the bib as it has a velcro fastening at the neck and Esther’s favourite tea time activity of late is removing any bib that is not buttoned behind her neck.
William liked the bib. While waiting for his food he examined the pictures very carefully and even had a taste of the thin waterproof fabric that makes this a perfect summer bib for introducing ice lollies and ice creams.
The thing I really like about the Bumkins Super Bib is that it is water resistant. We are currently weaning from breastfeeding to beakers of water and milk so this bib is perfect for making that transition. We have tried all sorts of different styles of drinking vessel but William and Esther both still seem to wear much of the liquid intended for their tummies!
The Super Bib claims to resist most stains so we decided to test the claim with a snack of raspberries, blueberries and blackcurrants. It has washed up fine. I actually put it through the dishwasher after the first use and in the washing machine subsequent trials and each time it has been fine. The Super Bib is made of durable yet comfortable fabric that is easy to wash and dry. It can also be wiped clean but I found washing in the machine easier to get a good as new clean.
The bib is great for baby led weaning and finger foods. It has a ‘Catchall pocket’ at the front which collects food that is dropped from the table or highchair tray. I encourage Esther and William to ‘go fishing’ in their pockets for any left over food, which they do and think it is great fun to discover a hidden snack in their bib!
The Bumkins Super Bib comes in a range of bright and colourful designs and is available from Amazon and Bebemoda for around £7.99.
We were sent one bib for the purposes of this review.
Who Is Going To Lollibop with Organix and Edspire?

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Review: Peter Rabbit Organics’ Juices

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Annabel Karmel’s Meal Planner: Review Part 1

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