Tag Archives: #thegallery
The Gallery: He Gave Me Eyes

Young Master William with his Mummy’s eyes x God Made Me He gave me eyes so I could see The wonders of the world Without my eyes I could not see The other boys and girls. He gave me ears … Continue reading
The Gallery: My Awesome Photo!

This is the photo I would love to have as a canvas. It is such a beautiful picture of both Esther and William and captures a moment of love that makes me feel so emotional every time I look at … Continue reading
The Gallery: Travel

During our recent holiday to Northumberland and Cumbria we travelled to Hadrian’s Wall, to the Sycamore Gap to be precise, to visit Robin Hood’s Tree. Having already visited Hogwarts this was another film landmark to tick off our list. We … Continue reading
On The Move (or more accurately Nothing is Safe!!)
I Am Grateful For Esther and William

On the 24th July 2010, at just 27 weeks gestation, Esther and William were born. I am grateful that every day they are growing bigger and stronger. I am grateful that they can do all the things that other babies … Continue reading
The Gallery: My Backyard

We are lucky enough to live in a beautiful Kent village surrounded by rolling hills and patchwork fields. The air is scented with flowers and freshly cut grass at this time of the year. The sun highlights our locality’s beauty. … Continue reading
The Gallery: Chilling Out With Daddy

David is a wonderful father to Esther and William He is always calm He is so tender with them He takes care of all three of us We know we are safe when he is around David is a funny … Continue reading
The Gallery – April Firsts

In April we had our first swim in a pool Our first dip into the sea A Bumpkins massage with our Mum Helped by Helen and Kelly In April we played in the garden We had a paddling pool too … Continue reading