My apologies to The Boy and Me for being so late with this linky. I am so grateful that she kindly reminded me of my forgetfulness as I am very proud of this now cropped picture of our Winter Window … Continue reading
My apologies to The Boy and Me for being so late with this linky. I am so grateful that she kindly reminded me of my forgetfulness as I am very proud of this now cropped picture of our Winter Window … Continue reading
Does anybody else feel like January is lasting forever? Every rainy day that we are stuck indoors Esther and William stand at the window longing to be let out. It is their new favourite thing to do and they shout … Continue reading
This is a book for children written by children, or at least a collection of their thoughts. This is a book that celebrates Christmas, in children’s very own words. Why I Love Christmas is a beautiful book illustrated by Daniel … Continue reading
Christmas is a coming Winter’s on its way What’s a child to do As they wait for Santa’s sleigh? Why not win a WOW Toy? Arctic Archie Push Along A snow mobile and a penguin How can you go wrong? … Continue reading
Every year since David and I met we have had snow. We have had lots of snow. And in both houses we have shared we have been lucky enough to live somewhere beautiful that is even prettier when iced with … Continue reading