Books in a Basket

In our house we have baskets of books.  We have lots of bookshelves too in the dining room and the playroom but also scattered around the house we have baskets of books.  The books in these baskets are rotated regularly with the books on the shelves to ensure that the babies get to hear lots of new stories and enjoy all the many books that we own.  This idea has come from my book corner and book baskets in my classroom and started with a Christmas basket that I put out every year, even before I had children to read them too!  More about the festive selection box later though …

In the lounge basket at the moment we have the following books:

Each Peach, Pear Plum

Katie and the Sunflowers

The Rainbow Fish

Jamil’s Clever Cat

The Little Red Hen

The Ugly Duckling

Chicken Licken

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

All the Hairy MacLary books!!!

Can You Smile

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See (current favourite for E and W!)

We’re Going on A Bear Hunt

Baby Einstein Mirror Me

The Story Tree (I love Barefoot Books!)

Wriggle and Roar

Ants in Your Pants

The Mick Inkpen Collection

The Princess and The White Bear King


The Stinky Cheeseman and other Stupid Fairy Tales

The Incredible Book Eating Boy

Beware of the Storybook Wolves

Who’s Afrraid of the Big Bad Book?

Over the next few days/weeks I am going to review each of these books and talk about how I use them at home and at school.

I am also going to be reading Little House on the Prairie and Children on the Oregon Trail and will review these too.  I remember loving these books when I was at the end of primary school so am keen to see if they still do it for me now, I have an inking that they will!

I have not read any adult fiction for a long time and have a growing list of must read books so as soon as I find the time to make a start on my growing pile, I will share my thoughts on these for you too.  I hope that you will read my reviews and share your own thoughts and comments too.

Time to get reading!!

January Blog Hop – Getting to Know You


I have joined the January Blog Hop to try to get to know more blogging mummies.  I thought that I would start with a post that tells people a little more about me and so hopefully people with similar likes and interests may decide to follow my blog and so my journey.

I am a 34 year old Mum of almost 6 month old twins.  When working I am a primary school teacher but for as long as possible I plan to stay a Stay At Home Mum.

The twins were born at 27 weeks and 3 days gestation so I am interested not only in raising twins but in raising premature babies in general.  I want to share my journey in the hope that it will help other mummies who find themselves in my shoes.

I love reading and I plan to use this blog as a collecting point for reviews of the books that I read.  I read a lot of children’s literature and plan tro include in my reviews how such books can be used at home and in the classroom.

I love writing and this blog provides a clear vehicle for this passion.  I have always kept a diary which in many ways is what this blog is or has potential to be.  Though I have not done any creative writing for a while I  do enjoy writing poetry and stories and may publish some of my own works here.

I am mostly going to be writing about my children, our family life as it unfolds and will comment on issues that are raised along the way.

I am excited about this project that I have challenged myself to complete and look forward to sharing it with other Blogging Mummies and hopefully making some friends along the way.  I look forward to reading the other blogs that form part of the January Blog Hop and hope that I might gain some followers in return.

Happy Blogging One and All!


Blog Gems – An Event

Jen at The King and Eye has invited bloggers all to ‘Air their Archives’.  This week she asks that we share an event in our lives that will help other bloggers know us better. 

I have decided to share two posts that describe the same event, the day my twins were born at 27 weeks and 3 days gestation.  This event has been the single most significant thing in my recent life and has impacted on everything that I say, think, do, feel and write.  It was the event that made my world and introduced Esther and Willliam to theirs.

It was the event that made me begin writing this blog, Welcome to the World Esther and William.

Please read Labour Day and After Birth and share some of the great emotion of this event that rocked my world and will shape my future forever.

And as I write this I am so glad to say that one precious bundle of that future is giggling in his gym and giving me the biggest gummy smile while his sister sleeps soundly in her cut.

Isn’t life wonderful?

And while I repost this event I must also repost my eternal gratitiude to all the staff in Maternity, NICU and SCBU at The Wiliam Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Kent -without whom I might be writing a very different life story indeed.  Thank you x

Do you have a story you want to share?  Read The King and Eye to find out how to share an event that is important to you.

Our IVF Journey Part 2

This entry is a collation of posts I made when we moved to the ARGC Clinic in London and began the cycle of IVF/ICSI that brought us Esther and William.

This was a hard time through the worst winter in 30 years travelling to London at 5.30am every morning and spending my days hanging around the clinic, waiting, always waiting.

Through this time I had blood taken every day, sometimes up to 17 vials in one go!

I learned a lot about myself through this time, about David and our relationship with each other and the determination and passion in women who are desperate for a child.

I made some good friends during this time, one in particular who is one of the strongest women I have ever known and is happily now also a Mum.  She took me under her wing and we had som lovely breakfasts together and I hope to see her very soon and she will be coming to the twins’ christening and our wedding which is just great.  A true friend x

I chatted to people online throughout my IVF journey and it was my Fertility Friends that kept me sane.  And in fact they still do and I am hoping to meet up with lots of them and their miracle little ones as soon as the cold and flu season is over.  Will be so good to put faces to names.  What did people do before the Internet?

This is Part 2 of our IVF  journey.

Hello Everyone
My name is Jennie and I am 33 years old.  My fiance and I have just had our third failed ICSI at SEFC in Kent and we are now moving to ARGC.  I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about what it is like. I have read about some great results but not so great service / patient care.  Our initial consultation is on 26th November 2009.  Can anyone give me an idea of timescale from there?  Also what to expect at that first visit?  Thank you.  I hope I will get to talk to you all some more over the coming weeks and months.
Hi everyone
I had my initial consultation at ARGC yesterday.  It seemed to go very well and I can start my monitoring cycle as soon as I bleed.  AF was supposed to arrive yesterday but wouldn’t you know she is nowehere to be seen!!!
I think that I am going to be put on to a long protocol with DR injections rather than spray.
I am also having immune tests as so many failed ICSIs so hopefully that will turn up something that we didn’t know before and can b treated.
We will be having ICSI again and may be able to start proper cycle in 3 or 4 weeks depending on AF.
I really liked the feel of the ARGC and I liked the doctor Mr Gafur.  He was lovely.
So far I am really impressed and now just can’t wait to get started!
Hi All
Well, I went for CD2 bloods on Friday.  Results are back for those and my immune tests and I have to go for a mid cycle scan next Tuesday when we will also discuss blood results.  Does anyone know roughly what happens after the scan? That will be CD12 and I usually ovulate around CD14 as far as I know.  Assuming all is okay when would I start DR?
Looking forward to getting to know everyone in coming weeks x
Thank you for helping with understanding the monitoring cycle.  All being well my mid cycle scan will be Tuesday, as long as the snow is not too troublesome.  I hope on this day they will also tell me results from Day 2 bloods and immune tests as I know all results are back and file is with Mr T.  I think if all is okay I would start a long protocol on 30th December and a short on the 6th January.
So keeping everything crossed.
Hope everyone is enjoying the snow x x x x x
Hi All
Sorry no personals today.
I have just got home from the clinic where I had my mid cycle scan.
All is good – good lining, about to ovulate from one ovary and the other is quiet and as it should be.
I also had a blood test today and in about a week I have to go back for a progesterone test.
While I was waiting I read my file and my immune results.
I have high CD3 result at 88.5, it should be between 60 and 85.
What does this mean?
Also under TH1: TH2 IFN-g ILIO ?  My result was 4.8 and should be between 6 and 8.5
Can anyone help me understand?
Thank you x
Hope everyone is well.
I had my mid cycle scan today and everything was looking as it should be
I should ovulate tonight or tomorrow
Then I wait for the surge and go back for progesterone test and to find out a start date and what protocol I will be on
Whilst waiting for my scan today I read some of my results and was wondering if anyone can shed any light on what they mean

FSH 7.1
LH 6.4
Oestradial 216
Prolactin 163

On the immune tests it says that my CD3 is out of range – it is too high at 88.5????
There was also one thing that was too low at 4.8 when it should be between 5.8 and 20.5 but the doc I saw today did not seem concerned about that

Can anyone say what they think about my results so far.

Also I am thinking of buying some supplements such as Royal Jelly, Ginseng, Magnesium, Selenium.
What do people think the merits of this would be?
What do other people take or do to get the best from their cycle.

This is the last chance for me.

Thanks everyone x

Hope that everyone is looking forward to 2010.  I am starting to get very excited!
Today I had progesterone test and have been given the go ahead to start down reg injections tonight.
I am on the long protocol which I have not done before and have to inject every evening until AF arrives.  AF is due 6th January.
Does anyone know what happens then?

Thank you for all your replies about immunes they have been very helpful.
Hope everyone is well and ready to start the new year full of hope!

Lots of love x

We are all at very similar points it would seem.
I have just injected 0.5ml of suprefact.
I am on a long protocol so also waiting for AF
How should we be preparing now?
Is there anything I should do or not do to ensure good down regging?
Welcome Apricot
We are at a similar stage as I am also DR and hoping AF will arrive on Wednesday 6th Jan.
Today will be the fifth injection and so far I seem to not be having too many side effects.
I am a little more tired than usual.
Hoping that the snow and ice stay away as I am in Kent and will have real troubles getting to the clinic if the trains don’t run!
Looking forward to cycling with you.
How is everyone else getting on?
Waiting for AF.  She should have arrived today which is Day 29 for me of this cycle Do I wait two more days til I call the clinic or 30 more days?  I am a bit confused.  Also, I am on a Long Protocol so how many days after AF arrives will I start stimming?  I have always been on SP before. Hope you are all enjoying the snow!Jennie x
Anyone any signs of AF?
I am now CD30 and have been DR for 10 days today. Still no sign!!
Hope everyone is well and warm x
No AF for me either
I am CD31
Going to call clinic on Monday and see if they will scan me as this has happened to me before and there was just nothing to bleed
Maybe this time is the same
I am pleased to say that my AF arrived today so will call and let the clinic tomorrow and hope to start stimming later this week.

I think the scan should be Day 4 of my cycle???? That would be Wednesday for me.

Will let you know

I am so excited about getting started

Lets hope that this is our time ladies

This is our time!

Hi everyone
This is a very quick me post and I will catch up with everyone soon.  I am working on London this week at BETT @ Olympia. It is very tiring especially as I have also started stimming today!!!
Started with 150 Fostimon and 75 Merion???
All done for tonight.
Back to the clinic tomorrow for blood tests and await tomorrow’s instructions.
I am very excited now.
Am following everyone’s news and will write personals Sunday night x x x x x
Hello Everyone
Hope that you are all well
I am now on Day 5 of stimming.
I have had my first scan which seemed to go well
I am having FSH, LH and Oestriedal (sp) tested everyday
I am injecting 0.5 suprefact, 150 Fostimmon and 150 Merinol
I had my NK assay test today
I am not really sure what any of this means
I hope that the cycle is going well
How is everyone else getting on?
A – Great news on your scan, must be such an emotional moment seeing that most wanted heartbeat  B – I do keep meaning to ask questions at the clinic but they are always so busy.  I was at the clinic again today for bloods at 7.30 and then had to hang around in case of repeat.  I stayed in London til nearly 2pm but did not need a repeat in the end.  I have noticed that today they did not test FSH but they did have URGENT written on my blood sheet for the first time!  I am Day 7 tomorrow and will have another scan and more bloods with possible repeats, so I am planning to spend the whole day in the clinic with a good book and lots of snacks and water!  I tried walking round London today but I was just so tired and I don’t have any money to spend so best to get comfy at the clinic I think.  Apricot – I am in for bloods at 7.30 though I usually get there just after because of my train times.  I get the 5.58 from my village and get to the clinic at about 7.45.  I will be wearing a jumper dress and a yellow/grey coat.  I have really long brown hair.  Would be good to say hello.  Congratulations on your BFP.  That is wonderful news for you.  I hope that some of the ARGC magic rubs off on me.  This is my last chance for a long long time. 

My drugs have been changed today to 225 Merinol and no Fostimmon.  Can’t wait til the scan tomorrow to find out how I am getting on.

Does anyone know if Merinol is like Menopur?  I ovulated early when I was on that drug at my last clinic and am a bit worried about it.

Hope everyone is well x x x

I am now on Day 7 of stimms.  Tonight my drugs have been reduced to just 150 Merinol.  I have also started taking low dose aspirin today and start clexane injections tomorrow.  This is because my CD3 is 94 and should be less than 85.
I am sat at the moment with a hot water bottle, a pint of milk and my bottle of water.  I am feeling quite bloated and today’s scan showed that I have about 15 follies all growing well.
I am back in London for the day tomorrow for bloods and possible repeats. I think I will be scanned again on Friday but am not entirely sure about that.  I am getting excited now.  I so so so want this to work!

Apricot – was lovely to meet you today and we had such a good long chat.  You really made my day.  I wish you every success with this cycle and the new baby x x x x

Hope that everyone else is well.

Hello Everyone
Looks like people are all getting started now
I triggered last night and today have been resting and drinking
Clinic told me to drink 2 glasses of water every hour today and to drink 3 big glasses of water at 11.30 tonight
Apparently my oestrdial levels are really high and so have to be careful re OHSS
I have had a tiring but good week at the ARCG talking to lots of lovely people as helped the time to pass
Now I am looking forward to egg collection tomorrow
6.45 at the clinic for a 7,30 start!!!!
Thank you to everyone who has been following me, I will folow you through your cycels too and hope that this is the thread of good news in coming weeks.
Good luck everyone x x x x
Hi All
First of all well done P on your embryos.  Hope the transfer goes well x x x
I had ec on the same day as P and until today have been so happy.
We got 20 eggs.  18 of those were mature and 16 fertilised.
They seemed to be doing well until today.
The embryologist says that we have
1 3 cell
2 4 cells
2 5 cells
1 6 cell
5 7 cells
5 8 cells
But she also said that they are fragmented some of them severely fragmented and there are only 3 that might be quite good quality
We are waiting til Monday for a 5 day transfer but the lady said that we may get to Monday and find we have nothing to transfer
We have to be prepared that the embryos may not get to blast or may be too poor quality
I am now devestated and so scared that this has all been for nothing and we will get to Monday and have our transfer cancelled
Does anyone know how likely it is that we will not have a transfer on Monday?
Can anyone offer any help or advice or inspiration?
I can’t stop cryng and just feel like such a hopeful cycle has just been pulled away.
I know that it may be okay but she did not sound at all optimistic.
Hello All
Thank you so much for all your replies and well wishes
I am pleased to say that I am now PUPO!!!!!
We had two blasts 5A/BB and 4BB transferred at 5pm and I hope that they are starting to snuggle in tight
Have to go back to clinic for progesterone test on Wednesday but apart from that we wait
Thank you all for your support
Jennie x
Hi All
Thank you again for all your support.  I thought you might like to know that aswell as being PUPO we also have two darling frosties and so we are thrilled and so so hopeful.
P, how are you getting on?  Getting lots of rest and drinking lots I hope x
K – how did the hysto go today?
R – Gorgeous photos of your little ones – would be so grateful if we were to have twins x
Have been to the clinic today for a repeat progesterone test.  Waiting to hear if I have to swap from pessaries to gestone. TBH I would prefer Gestone as pessaries are just unpleasant!
I am resting as much as I can reading and watching films.  Very chilled so far.  Can’t believe that OTD is a week tomorrow!! I so hope that we are lucky this time.

I hope that everyone is well and look forward to hearing all your news.

L – sounds like you have some lovely embies will keep up to date on this thread and the JAN one x x x

Love and luck to us all

Jennie x

I am to start prednisolone tomorrow morning.  Can anyone tell me anymore about this?  Thank you

I am also staying on pessaries rather than gestone jabs.  I am a bit concerned as on two previous cycles with pessaries I bled early.  But I have to trust Mr T, he knew about the early bleeds he pepeated my progestrone test today and advised me to stay on pessaries.  I am not really cure what the difference is.

Trying to keep myself off google with all the questions

Think I will take RDG’s advice and relax with Ziita for a bit

Love and luck to all x x x

Hello Everyone
I wanted to come on and let you know that I have just recently got a BFP with ARGC.
It was my first cycle at ARGC but fifth in total.
I had never made it through a 2ww before but this time I have with a strong BFP and two frosties.
I had a 5dt and a non eventful 2ww
L I was convinced that it had not worked for me and when I got the call I just burst into tears.
I had no symptoms and still don’t really.
I am now 4weeks and 2 days pregnant and hoping that my levels will continue to rise.
I know it is early days but we are trying to be cautiously optimistic and hoping beyond all hope that our little beans stay.
My first beta was 317 yesterday and today it had risen to 493.  I am back on Sunday for more bloods.
I have seen you all in the last two days in the waiting room and in the Pain de Quotien at breakfast. I was too shy to say hello.
Anyway I hope this helps with PMA.
You can do it!
Mr T is just a wonderful wonderful man.
Good luck everyone x
Chin up L x x xx x
I am back in for repeats tomorrow and NK assay.
Hoping this is just something they do as my levels are more than doubling
Today was 1115
So far so good
Very sad about another 5am start though but hopefully will be worth it
Best wishes to all x x
I had NK assay done today and another BETA now at 1536.  The levels seem to be slowing a bit but I hope that everything is still okay.
We had our scan today 6 weeks and one day and we saw two beautiful sacs both with heartbeats
So we are also expecting twins!
Good luck everyone x x x x x x
Hello Everyone
Just wanted to let you know that we had our 6+1 scan today and saw two beautiful hearbeats.
Dimitri congratulated us but also cautioned us that it is very early days.
I am home now in bed not wanting to move for fear of doing something to risk one of our lovely little twins
Good luck everyone x
Can anyone help me please?
I am now very thankful to be 7+4 weeks pregnant with twins after ICSI with Mr T.
I had one NK assay done 3 weeks ago and have been asked in for another one this Tuesday.
Does anyone know how often they repeat this test and for how long?
I know that it is all worth it for the results that we have but it is just getting so expensive.
Can anyone help?
Thank you
Jennie x
Hi K
It was good to see you too.
Have been doing a lot of sleeping and eating over the last few weeks.
I am glad you think I look healthy cos I just feel fat!  I already have a bump though which is nice.
It is my CD3 levels that are also raised and just by a tiny amount too.
They have not said anything to me about meds but to be fair I haven’t asked them but I am hoping the steroids will end at 12 weeks.
I worry about the clexane that if it stops your blood clotting it could be quite dangerous to still be on it when you give birth???
I need to read more about that.
Hope you are able to relax and enjoy your pregnancy.  Your levels are looking very good.
Lots of love and luck
Jennie x
Hello Everyone
I am just bookmarking this board
Will come back and do personals tomorrow
I am now 8+4 days pregnant and have a scan tomorrow when I hope to see my two little embies and hear their heartbeats for a second time
Good luck to everyone
Be back tomorrow
love Jennie x
Hello Everyone
I am sorry that I have not posted for such a long time.  Unbelievably I am 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant today, still with twins!
I am posting for D really.
D, please don’t worry about discharge.  I had some brown spotting last Sunday and went for emergency scan but all was fine.  The blood was coming from my cervix not from the womb or placentas or babies.  On Thursday last week I had gushing bright red blood and I phoned the midwife who told me to come straight to A&E.  I honestly thought it was all over but again it was my cervix and the neck of the womb was closed so the little babies had no idea of the upset.  We have another scan today just to make sure all is still well but I am very hopeful even though I have had brown discharge all over the weekend.  The consultant says that all the drugs make us more prone to bleeding particularly the clexane which means that when we do bleed it is harder for the bleeding to stop.  I have as a precaution taken this week off work, and DF and I are under Docs orders for no nookie or strenuous activity of any kind.
Please try not to worry, I know that is impossibly hard but you and T are doing incredibly well. 
Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Hello Everyone
My bleeding seems to have stopped now – fingers crossed that it will stay that way now.
I am starting to feel less sick but much more tired.  I think it is because the babies are growing bones now!  I also feel uncomfortable if I eat too much in one go so am eating little and often.  I also need the loo a lot!!  That has only really started today though.
I have a definite bump already, am 11 weeks tomorrow and on our scan on Monday the beans had turned into babies.
They are so beautiful and really active little things.
My next scan now will be NHS Nuchal scan next Thursday when I will be 12+1 – touch wood that we make it!
I will be in to clinic next Tuesday for the first time in ages to have my NK assay and hopefully start to come off some meds.
I am sorry that I am rubbish at personals but I am following all your journeys every single day.
Just wanted to say that Esther Grace and William Nairn were born on Saturday 24th July 2010 at 27 weeks gestation.
They are now in NICU where they will stay for appx 10 – 12 weeks.
Both our beautiful babies are doing really well but we are taking one day at a time.
Hi All
My twins were born 12 weeks early and are in NICU.  I am publishing my diary online to help other parents know what life can be like on a unit.  I hope that someone finds it useful.
The twins are 30 weeks today and doing well x

Hello Everyone
The twins will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, can hardly believe it.  We have moved from NICU to high dependency nursery.
If you would like to follow our progress you can do so at the link below
Hope all your pregnancies are going well, especially the twinnies!

Hello everyone
Hope your twins and more pregnancies are going well
I should be one of you but our babies had a different idea and came early (27+3) 3 weeks ago.
We have been through NICU and are now in SCBU where we will probably stay for another 8 weeks
You can follow our story thorugh our diary and I wish that I had read something like this so I would know what to expect if and when my perfect little ones came early
Hello everyone
Just checking K’s progess? Thinking of you K.
Also wanted to reassure TG.  My twins, Esther and William, were born at 27 weeks.  They are now 3 months old and doing really well.  They stayed in NICU/SCBU for 59 days and have now been home for over a month.
We were very well looked after and came home exclusively breastfeeding which we still are.
Please do read my blog as it might help to answer some of your questions.
If you need to ask anything else or just to chat then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The BLISS message board is also a great source of comfort and support as is the TAMBA site.
Also ask lots of questions at the hospital while you have the chance.
I asked questions all the time and made sure I was very involved with the twins everyday cares.
Good luck and Congratulations x
Is this Birth Club being revived?
I am Jennie, Mum to Esther and William who are actually 14 weeks old but have a corrected age of nearly 2 weeks.
Would love to be a part of this group if it gets up and running.
Parenting twins is hard work. I am exclusively breastfeeding my two and they feed on average every two hours throughout the day and night.
Today I am starting to try and put a bedtime routine in place and next week we are going to work hard on night and day.  They have been hom from hospital for 6 weeks today and so far everything has been baby led but as they are gaining weight well it is time to start finding a routine that suits us.  Have read loads of book and forums but will be good to chat to people experiencing similar problems at a similar time.
Hope people join in soon
love Jennie x

Competition – Zu3D

Today I am launching my first ever competition giving you the chance to win some super animation software from Zu3D

This is animation software designed for use with children from 5 – 500.  Anyone can have a go and make good quality films with ease.  You can try Zu3D free for 30 days by downloading a trial from the website.  You can also watch a video tutorial to see what this software is all about.

If you would like to win a copy of Zu3D then follow this link to find the answer to the question below:

What popular children’s book character has been animated in the third film in the Zu3D Gallery?

Just pop your answer in the comments section for this post to be in with a chance of winning.  The competition closes at 23.59hrs on 31st January 2011 and the winner will be selected at random.

For extra entries you can do any of the following

Follow Zu3D on Twitter

Join the Zu3D Facebook Page

Tweet – I’ve entered to win Zu3D Animation Software at

Want to know more about Zu3D and its potential in schools or at home?

Read on below.

Zu3D is a new stop-motion animation software designed to meet the needs of teachers and children in our schools today.  It is also a fabulous gift for creative families to use at home.  An intuitive, easy to use interface enables children to create high quality films easily and independently.  This software provides a creative outlet for demonstrating knowledge and understanding across all areas of the school curriculum.  Zu3D has many clever features that make animation achievable for all.  Young and young at heart will find something about the house that they can turn into an animated character. 

One of the great things about Zu3D is that it gives children, and adults, the ability to make a complete film within one program.  In Zu3D you can easily create an animated film with titles, credits, subtitles, narration, sound effects and music.  Within one resource you can create all these elements that before have had to be created in separate pieces of software and then collated in yet another.  This makes a complicated process simple enough for young children without sacrificing any of the quality of a professional film.  During the last twelve months we have seen children as young as 5 make a complete film in Zu3D within an hour of being introduced to the program. They have been buzzing because they have found something that they can do well, independently and without fuss.  This software enables children to achieve results they are proud of without having to rely on others.

What is Zu3D?

Zu3D is software for creating stop motion animations.

Developed in consultation with a professional animator and primary school children.

It combines powerful features with a very intuitive and easy to use interface.

Works with any WebCam or DV Camera
Including Digiblues

Play back your animation whilst making it
You don’t have to wait until you’ve finished

Dynamically adjustable frame rate
Slow down your film if you’ve made it too fast.

Onion skinning
Great for seeing how much you’ve moved your characters or for putting them back in place if you’ve knocked the over!

Delete frames
Delete any frames from your animation at any time – in case you accidently take a picture of your hand!

Network Compatible
Works with all Windows networks – you don’t have to go back to the same computer to continue working on your film.

Import music and sounds
Zu3D comes with a library of sound effects and music which can dramatically enhance your films. Also import your favourite music from your computer or record your own narration.

Multi-layered audio
Using a very simple drag-drop interface you can arrange your music and sound effects to create your very own audio visual masterpiece.

Cut, copy, paste and reverse sequences of frames
Copy and paste groups of frames to build up sequences of animation. Great for quickly animating repetitive actions such as blinking, waving etc.  

Video Editing
Zu3D provides a ‘movie maker’ style interface allowing for easy editing of your animations!

Export to AVI & WMV
Turn your animation into a windows video file that can be shown on your interactive white boards, burnt onto DVD and even uploaded onto your website!

Publish on
At the click of a button you can share you film with friends, family and the entire world on the moderated animation gallery at

Who are Zulogic?

ZuLogic originated as a small ICT services company supporting home users, small business and most importantly primary schools. The founder of ZuLogic – David Henley (my fiance!) – finished his MEng in Cybernetics & Computer Science in 2003 and returned to his parents’ home in Kent determined to start his own business.  Six years and a lot of hard lessons later ZuLogic now has 3 employees and provides regular ICT support to a dozen or so primary schools  in Kent & Medway.  The company provides services from day to day fixing of PC problems to network installations, high quality low cost web design and more recently software development.

Where did the concept come from?

The core business of ZuLogic was only ever meant to be a solid basis from which more interesting things could unfold. David has always had a love of stop-motion animation and starting making films with his best friend Dicken Franklin when they we’re both still at primary school.  Dicken went on to take a degree in animation and from there became a professional animator and has worked on projects such as the Wallace & Gromit Blockbuster – ” The Curse of the Were Rabbit” and ” Shaun the Sheep”.

When David was at University his final year project, or thesis, involved the creation of a stop-motion animation studio.  This combined software for the capture and processing of images from digital cameras and webcams and a robotic track upon which a camera could move, pan and tilt.  Using the software it was possible to program movement sequences which were then automatically played back step by step as the animation was created.  The software also used the technique of chroma keying (blue screening) and the theory of augmented reality to take real plasticine characters and place them in a 3D virtual world.  The synergy of these two worlds was further enhanced by computer generated shadows of the plasticine characters cast across the virtual world.  When demonstrating the software it was possible to place your hand in front of the camera, look on the screen, and see your hand entering a virtual world, casting a virtual shadow across that world – in real-time.  This project was David’s passion and obsession day and night for 12 months and it was a cold hard shock when he left University and was confronted with the real world issue of making a living. And so he began, almost reluctantly, the day to day business of ZuLogic ICT support.

Throughout the years of developing ZuLogic as a business David’s passion for animation was not diminished, merely suppressed, as he took apart computers and created websites.  However it had a habit of spilling out into the ICT clubs which had become a part of ZuLogic’s school support package.  Many a group of children have enjoyed an enthusiastic and exuberant introduction to animation before starting their terms work of bringing plasticine to life.

It was through these many ICT clubs that David developed a thorough knowledge of all the software, and the many combinations of software schools use to create animations and as the clubs went on and the children became more experienced David became more and more frustrated with what they had to work with.

And so he might have stayed….. if he hadn’t unexpectedly found himself with a little spare time on his hands. In the Easter holidays of 2008 David and his fiancée were due to visit her parents in Spain. The evening before they were due to leave he went to the drawer he had placed his passport in only to find it wasn’t there. After scattering the drawers contents in frenzied search he asked his fiancée if she had done anything with the contents of the drawer… “No” she replied, looking slightly anxious, “Well… I only threw out a few old odd cards and things….”  After many hours of searching the house, and the bins, they admitted defeat.  The next morning the fiancée went to Spain and David stayed at home, for the first time in years with nothing he was actually supposed to be doing….

So he went into the loft… unearthed his project and set it up on the kitchen table.  The next two weeks were spent in a glorious unsleeping, cursing blur as David resurrected the machine and the software.  Soon he had it working again and as he viewed it through eyes tempered from hours of animating with children he started to see the potential.  He lifted the very core from the original software and using the latest technology started to develop something new. Zu3D was born.

Through the regular ICT clubs David was able to test and develop the software specifically to the needs of pupils, teachers and the school environment.  Every time a teacher or pupil asked “can it do this?” if the answer was “no” David would go home and add that feature to the development plan.  When David saw a child get stuck, or not understand something, he work out why and tweak the interface and the software to make it easier.  This process continued for a year before the first version was released, and it is still continuing now.  The list of new features in the pipeline is ever growing and David’s passion for animation is ever expanding.  Expect many more exciting things from future versions of Zu3D!

Why not see what you can do by entering my competition???? 

How do you stay focused on a task or activity?

What a question!  And my answer is simply that I don’t!

It is one of the things about me that really annoys other people and in particular, I think, David.

I find it very difficult to focus on one thing.  A big example is when we are cleaning or tidying the house, ditto tidying or sorting a classroom.  I start with one thing that leads to part of another and I find small jobs to do that detract my time from the larger task in hand.

When I am writing I can only do so if I have Facebook open, can check the news and the weather, my Google calendar …

A good book is one thing that will hold my focus, so much so that I could happily not move from my bed until a whole volume is complete.  At least I used to be able to do that before the babies were born!

Despite my lack of focus I always seem to get things done.  And on the whole I would say that I do most things well.

Many summers have been spent with the contents of my classroom all over the floor until minutes before the first bell of term, but when the pupils walked in from the playground they would not be disappointed with what they found.  Somehow I always get it done!

Drama is another good example.  I have had some large roles with lots of lines in a number of stage productions but I would never learn my lines until the very last minute.  I would never give my all in a rehearsal but on perfomance night I would give everything, my heart and soul and be word perfect to boot.  But I could never sit down with a script and learn my lines, listen to them over and over on tape perfecting every sound, but somehow without that focus the job would still get done.

Coursework at school was very much the same. And university too.

I like to work to a deadline, particularly with writing.  I enjoy the pressure of having literally hours to write the last pages add the finishing flourish.  I love the rush! 

Staying focused is definitely not a strength that I possess but it does not affect my ability to get things done. 

And yet there is a part of me that gets annoyed with others when they are not focused on a task or activity.  As though I feel stress for them that they will not get the given thing done.

So maybe deep inside I know that if I didi have the ability to focus, to concentrate then I would use my time more efficiently and do better than getting the job done???

What a question!

Post A Day!

I’ve decided I want to blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day for all of 2011.

I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way.

Thank you and Happy 2011 x