The Gallery – 24 hours

These pictures are my attempt to document 24 hours in the life of Esther and William

It shows how our lives revolve around food and why it always feels like bath time in our house!!

Our day includes lots of sleep and nappy changes too but I have spared you the detail of those.

And so we begin with breakfast, followed by some tummy time.  After sleep and nappies Esther and William watch a snippet of Baby Einstein whilst I prepare the lunch.  After lunch, more nappies and sleep we try to get out and about.  Fresh air prepares us for yet another nap before drugs and bath time, cuddle time and bed.  Then the whole process starts all over again.

Here is a window on our average 24 hours, why not shine a light on yours?


Reasons to Be Cheerful Week 4

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

That time of the week again? Where oh where is my life going? What a week, I feel like I have been on a personal journey this week (another story to follow shortly) and I also feel that the week has been a productive one, that alone is a reason to be cheerful.  So here are a selection of my cheery things from the week that was!

My fiance’s company, Zu3D, have agreed to sponsor a Mummy to attend CyberMummy 2011

I have followed this blog for a few months now and I talk to its author Kylie regularly on Facebook and Twitter.  She has been an inspiration and a support to me since giving birth to premature twins back in July 2010.  Whenever I have a question she gives a very quick yet well thought out answer.  She recommends strategies, products and even friends.  She is a true friend to me though I have never actually met her.  As soon as I knew that Kylie wanted to attend CyberMummy 2011 I knew that I wanted to help make it possible for her to go.  She has been a life line for me and I hope that this opportunity will in some way repay that debt.  Thank you Kylie.  I hope that you have a wonderful time at CyberMummy 2011 and look forward to hearing all about it, and if through your adventure then Zu3D is promoted for David then all the better x

Esther has been to the loo!

My poor darling daughter did not poo for 17 days!!!! Finally this week she has been able to go and it was not even that offensive.  She seems so much happier since she got that out of her system, quite literally, though today I think has started teething in earnest.  Poor little thing.  Lots of Mummy cuddles for you this weekend x

I have finally arranged our baby equipment and thus sorted the lounge and the playroom

This has been on my To Do list since Christmas and finally it is done.  We now have noisy play in the playroom and quiet(er) play in the lounge.  We have had a great day exploring the new set up together and I am sure will have lots of busy days ahead trying out all the toys and activities that we have around.  We are looking forward to spring and summer when we can have friends and family round for Play Dates.  Hurrah!

The babies are enjoying solid (ish) foods and now each have their very own high chair!!

We have been weaning William for 2 weeks on Sunday, and Esther has little tastes from time to time.  William’s favoutire food so far is definitely banana and baby riced with a dash of breast milk.  He has also now had carrot and swede, new potato and butternut squash and parsnip.  Each meal time has varying levels of success but on the whole I would say we are doing well and I am certain that we will do better now our high chairs have arrived.  On the advice of other preemie Mums we have gone for Chicco Polly Magic chairs.  As soon as we start to use them (tomorrow!) I am going to write a review.  On the advice of my best friend as well as all the homemade purees we are also going to have shop bought food at least once a week so that the babies are used to eating from a jar or packet, in case of emergencies.  For these times I have bought some Ella’s Kitchen foods that we are looking forward to sampling and reviewing! Tomorrow though I am making mango with baby rice and finishing off the parsnip!

My sister is in the UK! (though I have not seen her yet)

In the early hours of yesterday morning my sister arrived safely from her home in Australia to prepare for her wedding in just 9 sleeps time!  I am sure that you will hear much more about her in my reasons to be cheerful next week!  My beautiful wee sis x

In the meantime, if you need more cheerful thoughts now then hop on over to Mummy from the Heart to continue the happiness!

The Gallery: Before and After

Today Esther and William are 6 months old and so I am taking a broad interpretation of the theme ‘Before and After’ to show you Esther and William then (when they were born) and now (6 months on).  What an incredible journey we have travelled so far, I wonder what the next 6 months will bring?

Esther Day 5

Esther 6 months

William Day 3

William 6 months

7 Things About Me

I have been tagged by Kylie from Not Even A Bag of Sugar and invited to share with you 7 Things About Me, so here goes …

1 – Before being a primary school teacher I worked for the British Consulate in Germany

When I was growing up my father worked for the Government as a civil servant supporting British Armed Forces abroad.  For the last years of my childhood, all of my teenage years and young adulthood we lived in different towns across Germany.  I always went to British schools but often mixed with German friends and neighbours.  I loved Germany and the best years of my life, before meeting David, were spent there.  I loved it so much that when my parents finally returned to the UK I decided that I would not be leaving with them.  I got myself a job in the British Consulate in Dusseldorf, working in the passport section.  I was part of a great team, working in German and in English. I loved my time there and it enabled me to make new friends while also keeping my old friendships with the soldiers on the barracks where we had lived.  I finally left Germany when I was 24 years old.  I came back to UK to go to University and train to be a teacher.  I have never looked back but I do remember fondly my days working as a Passports and Visa Clerk.  I learned a lot about international law and my German came on so much from having to use it everyday at work and also in the running of the little flat that I rented all on my own.  I loved living on my own.  And for a time I was very alone as all my friends were sent off to fight a war in Bosnia.  I used to walk home from the tram each night through town, I would eat in cafes and restaurants alone with a book, it was a peaceful existence and when my friends were home from their tours of duty we had a ball!  Germans sure know how to party and we made the most of their hospitality.  I made one of my best friends during that time, Debbie Shillinglaw, who I am still in contact with now, though not nearly enough. And made another good friend, Cheryl, who sadly I have lost touch with now.  Good times!

2 – I can’t stop eating fajitas!

Before doing IVF David and I ate a lot of pasta in sauce.  We did not eat nearly as much veg as we should so when we started our treatment and I knew that we needed to eat more healthily I discovered that fajitas were a great way of eating lots of vegetables.  We have fajitas at least once a week now and when we were going through our cycles probably more.  In them we have onions, garlic, chillies, peppers, mushrooms as the main ingredients but often I will throw in tomatoes, spinach, celery.  Also with the mushrooms we do not just have one sort but a variety.  I love mushrooms!  Fajitas are one of life’s guilty pleasures!

3 – I once wanted to be a hairdresser

I am not sure what age I was when I had this plan, but I know that I planned it out in detail.  I had no desire to cut people’s hair I wanted to be a salon manager, a salon owner.  I do have vague memories of writing to people to ask if this would be possible.  I remember planning out a budget and what the salon would offer, what it would like etc … I can only have been 9! I know that I planned it all out in a little exercise book whilst staying in England with my Nan and Granddad.  Funny what we think we will be when we are young! This was one of my many plans and dreams, but that is a whole other story!

4 – I got teased at school for being hairy

I am very lucky never to have been bullied at school, not as a pupil at least! Again another story for another time.  I was never bullied but I did get teased and I think that the whole thing could have been avoided with the help of my mother.  I was teased at school for having hairy legs and during one very low period for having under arm hair.  I have always loved swimming for as long as I can remember and at the start of secondary school we swam Y7 and Y8 together.  The Y8 boys used to tease me as when I swam you could see that I had long hairs growing under my arms.  It was horrible, awful and has stayed with me for the rest of my life.  I had a real complex about being hairy into my late teens when I realised actually that it just did not matter.  The Y8 boys were pretty nasty and I hated it.  I began to hate swimming the one sport that I really enjoyed and was actually rather good at.  I also used to always wear really long skirts to school at the start of secondary as my legs were so hairy.  It was a shame really as I was quite a skinny little thing and I used to hide under baggy clothes until one day I asked my Mum if she would help me to shave my legs.  Then I started to wear short skirts to school, cycling shorts (eek!) for PE and I generally became much more body confident.  It is sad that I had had to go through all the nastiness first to get there.  I guess it was character building but it did not feel like that at the time.  I hope that my daughter will not have the same problems, in fact I will make sure she does not.

5 – Though I love swimming I cannot dive and I don’t know why

I really do love swimming – in the pool, the sea and lakes.  I love to swim.  I love the water.  But for some reason I will not dive head first into water.  I used to, I have clear memories of diving in at the start of a gala race but these are quickly shadowed by the memories of me starting races in the pool, too scared to dive.  Because of this fear I was always at a disadvantage in races but I often still won.  Think how much better I would have been with a racing dive start?!  I am not scared of being under water.  I love swimming along the bottom of the pool or the sea.  I am faster under water.  The fear is of my head hitting water and I have no idea where it came from.  It is an irrational fear that will not go away.  But I will keep trying especially now with children of my own as I do not want them to be scared of water.  I do not want them to be afraid of anything.

6 – I won a talent competition in 1987 at Haven Holidays

When I was 9 years old we went on a family holiday to Cornwall.  It was great!  Nan, Grandad, Aunts, Uncles and cousins.  It was a really cheesy family holiday filled with fun.  Each night in the club there was some form of entertainment.  There was a band I remember loving called Ice Trax?  The songs that remind me of this holiday are Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance with Somebody and Spagna Call Me, oh and We Are the Ovaltiney Little Boys and Girls???  Anyway, each week they had a children’s talent show and they had some very well rehearsed acts in it.  My sister and I thought we might enter together singing Neil Sedaka’s Breaking Up is Hard to Do.  We rehearsed a routine and everything!  But for some reason we decided against.  A decision I was happy with til just before the competition started.  I wanted to be on that stage!  I started scribbing down a poem on a piece of paper and then rushed up to the front to ask to be  a late entrant.  I was allowed, I was entered, I read aloud the poem I had written not 5 minutes before and I won!

I do not have a copy of that poem and I cannot remember a single word but I do remember feeling very proud of myself.  The following night, because I had one this contest, I got to play Little Red Riding Hood in a play that was put on.  My cousin, who won The Young Tarzan competition was in it too.  I am certain he was a tree and did the sound effects, but I may have remembered that wrong!  That was a great holiday! 

7 – I used to pretend that my middle name was Patrick

Yes indeed!  Jennie Patrick Nairn.  This was to do with a game we used to play when I lived in Cyprus as a child.  Something to do with the letters in your name being called and then you could move forward.  You were trying to be the first to reach the caller?  I am sure it was something like that.  Anyway I always seemed to lose because of the lack of variety of letters in my name and so I gave myself a middle name.  Bizarrely and for reasons I know not of I chose the very feminine name of Patrick!  Oh to be young again!

So there are 7 things about me.  Now I need to choose some people that I would like to know more about, people who have not been tagged with this already.  Could be quite tricky!

I choose

Some one else who has a new blog

One of my favourite and most inspirational reads

A blog with values I admire

Thank you again, Kylie.  And thank you for writing such a wonderful blog that is definitely my most read and the one which I can really relate to.  Thank you for such brilliant writing and a sometimes challenging read.

The Gallery: Love

Love was a topic for The Gallery blog hop before I knew it existed but so inspired am I by The Gallery I am working my way through previous topics and old photos to create entries of my own.

Thank you Sticky Fingers for the inspiration.

Here are my illustrations for LOVE!

Love is trust

Love is laughter

Love is challenge

Love is facing the world together

Love is strong

Love is sharing

Love is hard

Love is adventure

Love is pride

Love is fulfilling

Love is enjoying each other

Love is growing together

Love is commitment

Love is ambition

Love is support

Love is passion

Love is friendship

Love is all encompassing

Love is freedom

Love is independence

Love is as old as time

Love lasts

Love changes

Love demands

Love develops

Love endeavours and endures

Love engages

Love is enormous

Love is minute

Love is touching

Love is watching

Love is embracing

Love is climbing mountains, chasing rainbows and realising dreams

Love is life

Life is love

Love is love

The Gallery – Children


The Gallery was started by Sticky Fingers and is a popular blog hop that I love taking part in!  If you do not know what it is I have included some details below.

Every Friday I give a prompt, an idea, a notion and you go out and take a photograph using that prompt. Or just use a photo you already have.
The prompt could be one word, an object, an idea, a phrase, anything, and you have to post a picture which you feel represents that prompt.
Post it on your blog and write about it.
That’s it.

It’s not about taking technically brilliant photos – although if you do, I’d love to see them too. It’s about having a passion for pictures; any photos, all photos whether you took it with your all singing all dancing SLR or snapped it on your camera phone.

This week’s topic, Children, is a great topic for me for The Gallery.  I love children!  My own and the ones that I teach, my nephews, my cousins and the children of friends.  My Goddaughter.  For safety and confidentiality reasons I cannot post pictures of my pupils on here but I hope that these children will make you smile.

I loved being a child and have many happy memories of being young and carefree.  Most of those memories are shared with my sister who is captured here and many with my cousins, Paul and Glen.  I do not have many photos to share but I hope that these few show you a bit of what I was like as a child.  Pictured below are my children whose childhood is my main focus now and ensuring that theirs is as good or much better than mine.

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons.  ~Author Unknown

In childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking out.  In memories of childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking in.  ~Robert Brault

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.  ~Tom Robbins



THE STAR THROWER – For our little Star x

Our Little Star

A man was walking along the beach when he noticed a young boy apparently picking something off the ground and throwing it out into the sea. As the man got closer to the boy he saw that the objects were starfish. And the boy was surrounded by them. “Why in the world are you throwing starfish into the water?” he asked the boy as he approached. “If these starfish are on the beach tomorrow morning when the tide goes out they will die” he replied. “But that’s ridiculous!” cried the man. “Look around you. There are thousands of miles of beach and millions of starfish. How can you believe that what you’re doing could possibly make a difference? The young boy picked up another starfish, paused thoughtfully, and remarked as he tossed it into the sea “it makes a difference to this one.”

Author Unknown