As a family we love to be outdoors We are very lucky to live in rural Kent We have a large garden From which we can walk out on to the downs We love to walk as a family We … Continue reading
As a family we love to be outdoors We are very lucky to live in rural Kent We have a large garden From which we can walk out on to the downs We love to walk as a family We … Continue reading
I enjoy strolling along the narrow path, As it meanders through the forest. It generates a feeling of relaxation, And puts my troubled mind to rest. The forest is peaceful and quiet. I appreciate its immense cover of shade, And … Continue reading
Wisha Wisha Wisha The trees are speaking We wrap our arms around their trunks And listen to their secrets The wind whirls through the forest The trees sway in time In unison like an army Like soldiers guarding the treasures … Continue reading
We are very lucky to live where we live 40 minutes from the sea In a pretty little village In picturesque rural Kent It really is idyllic We have no shop, pub or cafe in our village But we do … Continue reading
On Sunday Quite by accident I had the most wonderful two hours with Esther I can remember We went to Leeds Castle As we often do William was off with Daddy on his pedal bike Bea was in her pram … Continue reading
James Villas have been looking back at travel over the last thirty years I have found the facts they uncovered really interesting And I think that you will too James Villa Holidays – 30 Years of Travel Infographic As a … Continue reading
Esther and William adore water They were always going to It is in their genes They come from a family who love Swimming, sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, rowing Being in, on and by the water Esther and William have a bath … Continue reading
It was a risk coming back here Coming at all Coming to the place where it all began Seven years ago we came My first family holiday With my family to be David and I had known each other Only … Continue reading
Standing on the shores of Ullswater Falling in love with David all over again The brisk breeze across the lake Seeing David do what he loves best On the water His own father by his side As he lifts his … Continue reading
A day of clouds and sunshine
A day of light and dark
Bright and shade
Sunlight and shadow
A day of rain then sun
And yet the rainbow respectfully stayed away
Today was not a day for rainbows
Today was a day for Matilda Mae
Today we went back to the place
Where we spent Tilda’s birthday last year
We went to the Headland Garden
In Polruan, near Fowey
The people there were so friendly
As we made our way down the cliff side
Winding past the bluebells
To Tilda’s special beach
It seemed so changed from last year
Which made me feel so sad
So much has changed since last year
We all have changed and grown
Everyone has aged a year
Except Matilda Mae
Everything today was a reminder of how far we have come
Leaving our daughter behind
And it hurts so much to know
That every time we visit that place
We will all have changed and grown a little more
We will have left Baby Tilda a little further behind
Locked up tight in our hearts and our memories
I can’t stand it
It makes me feel so scared
It is becoming harder and harder to persuade myself
That this is all some terrible mistake
And life will just go back to normal one day
Tomorrow our daughter should be two
Instead we will tonight wrap presents for her siblings
Dress the house for a party that has no guest of honour
But I cannot, will not, let her day go unmarked
Tomorrow is Baby Tilda’s birthday
And we will remember her
In all that we do we will honour her
And celebrate the too short time that we had with her
Were blessed and lucky enough to have her in our lives
But inside my heart will shatter all over again
Into tiny shards that will pierce my body and soul
For all days
Because I should be able to wake up in the morning
And kiss my little girl happy birthday
Not send her wishes and kisses to the sky
I should be beaming with pride tomorrow
Admiring how much Tilda has changed and grown
Not feeling sad and scared
That we are all growing
All changing
All moving on in time
From our baby in the sky
We love you Matilda Mae
Baby Tilda
Happy 2nd birthday in the sky