Today I took a self portrait. Me at 25 weeks with little Matilda May. I am ready to go for a swim in our hotel pool as David and I had one child free night before we become parents of … Continue reading
Today I took a self portrait. Me at 25 weeks with little Matilda May. I am ready to go for a swim in our hotel pool as David and I had one child free night before we become parents of … Continue reading
In April we had our first swim in a pool Our first dip into the sea A Bumpkins massage with our Mum Helped by Helen and Kelly In April we played in the garden We had a paddling pool too … Continue reading
This is not a review that I have been asked to complete, I am simply sharing with you a family holiday find. I hope that someone might find it useful. Last week David and I took Esther and William on … Continue reading
Today I have been missing my little sister. She lives in Australia and I know that she is very happy there but sometimes I really miss her, more than any words can say.
Today I have been thinking about when I first introduced, Julie, my little sister to my fiance, David. Dave and I were living in West Malling at the time and Julie came to stay in our flat for a long weekend. We had a fabulous time and as I knew that they would, Dave and Julie got on really well. It was brilliant, two people I am closest to in the world seemed to like each other, I was a very happy girl.
It was the summer of 2007 and I think it was a happy time for all of us. We certainly look happy in the photos I have chosen to share today.
It was a glorious summer weekend. The air was warm, the sun was shining and swimming in the sea was refreshing and cool. We went to the beach at Joss Bay and it was a perfect perfect day. At night we went to the pub, the three of us, and got merry chatting and playing drinking games. It really was a wonderful day.
This Friday Flashback is of happy summer days with the people I love best of all.