Category Archives: storytime
042/366 Bump Watch: Preparations Begin!

Over the last few days we have started using stories to try and explain that there is a baby on the way and it is growing in Mummy’s tummy. I realise that this is a difficult concept for any child … Continue reading
041/366 Signing Snake

Here in the Edspire household we are still working hard on our signing. One of our favourite ways to spend half an hour is to watch videos on You Tube and sign what we see. Some of our favourites are … Continue reading
008/366 Bookworm Babies

Esther and William love books. They love being read to and they love looking through books themselves. We have lots of different book boxes that I get out for them at different times. They love animal books as they can … Continue reading
Advent Book Review 15: My Very First Christmas

My Very First Christmas is a collection of Christmas stories especially for the very young. We bought this book for Esther and William last Christmas and it now has pride of place in our Christmas basket of books alongside old … Continue reading
Advent Book Review 14: The Snowman

One winter morning a little boy named James wakes up to find that everything outside has turned snow-white. Overjoyed, James rushes downstairs and into the garden, where he begins to build a snowman. James sleeps fitfully, and at midnight he … Continue reading
Advent Book Review 13: The Fourth King

The Fourth King is The Story of the Other Wise Man written and illustrated by Ted Sieger. This is a fable that not only tells the tale of Mazzel, the fourth king. It is also a story that reminds us … Continue reading
Advent Book Review 12: The Big Christmas Book

The Big Book of Christmas is a compilation of stories, songs, scripts and rhymes chosen by Gaby Morgan. I love her collections, Read Me 1 and Read Me 2, and read them to Esther and William every day when they … Continue reading
Advent Book Review Eleven: Jingle Bells
As a fan of good old fashioned Tom and Jerry I love this book about two mice and their arch enemy ‘That Cat!’
Nick Butterworth is one of my favourite authors for young children writing Percy the Park Keeper and Stories Jesus Told among many others.
This story is a festive favourite that has all the makings of a Christmas classic to be enjoyed year after year by all the family.
Esther and William particularly like it as it does have an actual jingle bell attached to the book!
‘Tis Christmas Eve!
Dear Santa Claus will bring
his gifts tonight.
We’ll hang our stockings by the bed,
And wait until it’s light.
I wonder what he’ll bring for you,
And what he’ll bring for me.
Ah! There! It’s no use wondering,
You’ll have to wait and see!
Lottie and Jack are two little mice who love Christmas. There is only one thing that may ruin their special day … That Cat!
Angus the Cat is Lottie and Jack’s arch enemy. He steals their food and thwarts their plans. That Cat is trying everything that he can to ruin Christmas for the little mice.
Lottie and Jack seek advice from a wise old rat. On their way to see Ton-Chee they find a single sleigh bell. When their meeting with the old rat is over the two little mice head home smiling, together they have hatched a plan to save their Christmas.
They use the sleigh bell to make a pretty collar for Angus the Cat which means they would always hear him coming.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Now Angus can’t sneak up on us
When we go out to play!”A feast of festive funnies for all the family!
Merry Christmas x
Maidstone MiniSigners: BSL for Babies

For the last six weeks Esther, William and I have been learning to sign using BSL with Louise Perry in Maidstone. Her company MiniSigners teaches babies and parents to communicate using BSL signs. When Esther and William were younger we … Continue reading