Here in the Edspire household we are still working hard on our signing. One of our favourite ways to spend half an hour is to watch videos on You Tube and sign what we see. Some of our favourites are … Continue reading
Here in the Edspire household we are still working hard on our signing. One of our favourite ways to spend half an hour is to watch videos on You Tube and sign what we see. Some of our favourites are … Continue reading
For the last six weeks Esther, William and I have been learning to sign using BSL with Louise Perry in Maidstone. Her company MiniSigners teaches babies and parents to communicate using BSL signs. When Esther and William were younger we … Continue reading
This is a book of Christmas carols but for me it is more than that it is a book of Christmas memories, Christmases at junior school where we used to sing these carols over and over again every year. And … Continue reading
I have not joined in Listography for a while, life just always seems to get in the way but this week I just could not resist. How cn anyone resist sharing their best Christmas tunes, the festive favourites that really get you in the mood for Yuletide! How can anyone just choose five?
Here I am giving it a go though. My Top 5 Christmas Songs, in no particular order. Enjoy!
Santa Claus Got Stuck In My Chimney
This is a fun festive favourite by Ella Fitzgerald that I only discovered about 10 years ago on a free Christmas CD. I love this to sing a long to and it really gets me in a Christmassy mood. Turn up the volume and dance around your living room. It’s Christmas!!!
Stop The Cavalry
I love this classic Christmas song by Jona Lewie. It has such a great feel and tells a story of Christmas past. It is an emotional song for a girl from a military family. It reminds me of driving home from Germany to Kent to spend Christmas with my Nan and Grandad. A classic that I hope my children will love as much as I do.
O Holy Night
I love this song so much. It makes my hair bristle and my heart sing. It never fails to make me emotional and bring tears to my eyes. It is such a powerful and moving Christmas song. I have not put a link here as the version that means the most to me is not available it is from an episode of The West Wing. Please do Google this song or pick a version to listen to on You Tube. I guarantee that if you love Christmas and get emotional at festive melodies then this is a song that will move you.
Little Drummer Boy / Peace on Earth
Bing Crosby and David Bowie melt my heart in this video. It is a heartwarming video that is full of the magic of Christmas, and beautiful music.
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
This is always the first song I listen to every year, as soon as I start to get the little flutters that I know is the Christmas magic beginning. This is such a wonderful song for lifting spirits and sprinkling a little Yuletide magic. It has lovely lyrics and makes my heart soar. I love Christmas and this song for me tells me that it is beginning. Santa is on his way!!!
So there we have it, my Top 5 tunes for this time of year. Why don’t you help to spread the Christmas cheer and share your favourites too? This week’s Listography is hosted by These Precious Things so do pop over and join in with all the festivities.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Wow! We have been so lucky to be selected as toyologists for Toys R Us in 2011. It is such a privilege and also a responsibility, reviewing toys and recommending our favourites to the nation. We have had some great … Continue reading
One of the things that I am most looking forward to about our wedding is the singing, the hymns. I think that we are having more than most and we have had to cut some out to ensure that the … Continue reading
Over the next few weeks I am going to be writing a series of posts about weanng twins based on my experiences with Esther and William. I am hoping to revew a range of baby foods, test out meal planning, … Continue reading
Barefoot Books sent me a collection of their children’s titles to review including Clare Beaton’s Action Rhymes and Nursery Rhymes. These small and sturdy board books are perfect for chubby baby fingers and soggy baby gums! They would make lovely … Continue reading
If there is one thing that I love to do it is sing. I know lots and lots of songs of by heart from a whole range of musical genres.
These days I have the wonderful excuse of singing to Esther and William but before it has always been purely for my own self indulgent pleasure. When I was younger I used to have a microphone that I would plug into my hifi and record myself on to tape singing a variety of songs.
I love musical theatre and can sing the whole way through The Sound of Music after playing Louisa in a production at drama. I used to always sing Memories from Cats and other Elaine Paige classics. My parents had an album with the lyrics on the sleeve and I learned them from there.
When I was younger we always had music on in the car, especially when we went on long journeys and I knew every word to every song on my Dad’s mix tapes. I remember that I used to say if I was not singing in the car then I would get sick or feel sick. I love singing in the car!
Now when David and I are in the car we also have music on and often we are both singing along at the tops of our voices. There is nothing better on a sunny day than driving fast, windows down, music loud and raising our voices together in song. Makes me smile. Warms the cockles of the heart!!
When I was a young teenager in the 80s singing was of a much more serious nature and the three songs that I remember singing and recording over and over again all have a similar theme of a young jilted girl with a broken heart or stuggling with true love. Oh dear!
The songs I have chosen to share, for which I know every single word are …
Tiffany – Could’ve Been
Debbie Gibson – Foolish Beat
Beverley Craven – Promise Me
What song is sure to have you sigining along? Hop over to Mumra’s and help us compile our playlist.