Because I am so pleased with my poem I am submitting this to Blog Gems as my favourite post. I am late with this post as I have been away on holiday but I hope that people will still take … Continue reading
Because I am so pleased with my poem I am submitting this to Blog Gems as my favourite post. I am late with this post as I have been away on holiday but I hope that people will still take … Continue reading
Last month I asked fellow bloggers and friends to give me one word or phrase that described their mum. I said that I would use the words to write a poem for all mothers. You can see the words given here and here is the poem I have come up with. I am sorry that it is not very good. I wrote it in less than five minutes with a very painful and swollen face.
Happy Mothers’ Day!
Happy Mothers’ Day One and All
Happy Mothers’ Day Me
This is my first one of these days
And it means such a lot you see
I want my children to cherish
The relationship that we share
I want them to know on this day and always
That I will ever be there
Being a Mother is a special job
A diverse and flexible role
To support your young and care for them
Protect their heart, their soul
A mother is warm hearted
She is caring and full of love
A mother is the bestest friend you can have
She’ll be there come push or shove
A mother is sympathetic
She’ll listen whatever you say
A mother is inspirational
You hope to be like her some day
A mother is indomitable
She canot be over come
Whatever else in the world she be
She will always be your Mum
I want to be all for my children
Provide everything that they need
I will always be their Mummy
Whatever else in the world I be
I want to keep them safe from harm
Protect them from the cold
I want to have fun and play with them
Until I’m grey and old
I want to share their secrets
Help them achieve their goals
I want to hold their hands as needed
Protect their hearts, preserve their souls
As Mother I am indomitable
I shall not be overcome
My love will not be conquered
I will always be a Mum
As we begin the approach to Mothering Sunday I have a question.
How would you describe your Mum in one word or phrase?
My Mum is warm – hearted.
Please leave your word or phrase in the comments below and at the end of the week I am going to try and write a poem for all mother’s everywhere using the words and phrases I have collected.
My Mum is …
When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother,
What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here’s what she said to me …
From an early age I dreamed of being; never being any one set thing but each thing related to words. And now when I think about those childhood ambitions many of them remain the same to this day. I would still like to be an actress, a journalist, an English and Drama teacher. Added now to my list are the White House Press Secretary and my one childhood pipe dream, a professional ice skater, like my childhood heroine Katarina Witt.
So here in more detail are the things I would most like to be when I grow up.
Ice Skater
When I was younger I lived in Germany and I used to love watching ice skating on television. My favourite skater was Katarina Witt. She was a hugely successful skater and was jut gorgeous to watch. I loved her grace, her elegance, her costumes!! I loved watching her colour and creativity and sparkle on the screen. I used to dream of being just like her. In reality when I went ice skating as a child I had to hang on to the sides of the rink so as not to fall over. An ice dancer I was never going to be!
I tried so hard to make this dream come true. I was in every possible school production, I studied GCSE Drama and A Level Theatre Studies, I joined local drama groups and when we moved to areas that did not have a drama group then from as young as 9 I woud start one. Drama was and is my thing! I would have given anything to be a professional actress. When I was a child I was desperate to join Anna Scher Theatre School. I worshipped her and wrote her letters. I am fairly sure that she replied too. I also went through a phase of wanting to go to The Italia Conti Academy, none of this was possible as by this time we were living in Germany. I wrote to the BBC too and asked if I could be an extra. I also told the BBC about a book I liked that should be made into a TV series and I even offered to play the leading role myself. I was desperate! As I got older I realised that I needed to make the best of my amateur experiences as a professional role was probably not ever going to be mine.
Writer / Journalist
I tried hard to achieve this goal too. I was editor of our class magazine at school as a pupil and also ran the school newspaper as a teacher. At university I wrote short pieces for the TES and had an interview for ATL. In my late teens I had an interview for a job as a local news reader on BFBS Radio in Germany. They were very impressed with me at the interview but I was too young for the role. I loved the interview though, choosing what news needed to be given the highest priority and makng headlones and reading them out over the air. Such a great experience, I would have loved that job! Now as a blogger I am developing my writing skills and I also write articles about Zu3D for my fiance. I would like to write a book one day. I have been writing stories and poems for as long as I can remember. It is something that I find very easy, something that I love to do. Perhaps an educational children’s book will be in the offing one day.
English and Drama Teacher
I am half way to this one already as a primary teacher and literacy subject leader but when my own children go to school I would like to work as a secondary school English teacher. I want to be like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. That is my dream job. That is the dream I am going to strive to achieve next and I cannot wait!!
White House Press Secretary
This is my fantasy dream job after becoming a little obsessed with The West Wing. I think I could be a good Press Secretary, I would love to give it a try!! I love the patriotism and passion in The West Wing. I am not American but The West Wing makes me want to serve at the pleasure of the President. Of President Bartlett anyway!
So there you have it, what I would be, if I could be, should I ever ever grow up.
Please hop on over to Manana Mama who is hosting this week’s listography to explore other people’s hopes, dreams and fantasies.
The brief for this fortnights Blog Gems is Creativity. “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” I have decided to air from my archives some work that I did with my old year … Continue reading
Today I have started to plan Esther and William’s christening and it reminded me of a poem that I wrote for my Goddaughter, Maia, when she was christened. Maia is the daughter of Petra, my oldest friend, and being her … Continue reading