Today is World Prematurity Awareness Day, a day to stop and think about those babies born too soon. I write about prematurity regularly on this blog and work hard to support Bliss and the fabulous work they do supporting premature … Continue reading
Today is World Prematurity Awareness Day, a day to stop and think about those babies born too soon. I write about prematurity regularly on this blog and work hard to support Bliss and the fabulous work they do supporting premature … Continue reading
This is Esther when she was 8 days old and 8 days into her 59 day stay in NICU at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, Kent. She was not there entirely alone, she had her twin brother, William, in … Continue reading
One Saturday afternoon, at about 25 weeks, we were reorganising our house, ready for the babies, with help from my Dad when Jennie suddenly started experiencing lots of pain. It quickly became worse and we drove to the hospital. I … Continue reading