Readers who follow me on Twitter will know that for Esther and William’s christening last week I wanted to get them a memory box each to keep in all the keepsakes they have collected through their first year of life … Continue reading
Readers who follow me on Twitter will know that for Esther and William’s christening last week I wanted to get them a memory box each to keep in all the keepsakes they have collected through their first year of life … Continue reading
This week Kate has challenged us to share our Top 5 Photos of 2011. Not an easy task when you take hundreds of shots a day but here are five of mine, five precious moments from the year just gone. … Continue reading
This is a book of Christmas carols but for me it is more than that it is a book of Christmas memories, Christmases at junior school where we used to sing these carols over and over again every year. And … Continue reading
Our wedding really started on Friday 9th September. Months and years of hoping, wishing and precision planning began to come to fruition. David had an army of helpers, family and friends, timetabled for every second of the day from 7.45am … Continue reading
Fathers’ Day has been officially postponed in the Nairn Henley household until next week as David spent most of this Sunday driving us all home from The Lake District. I had also accidentally left his cards in our holiday home … Continue reading
Tomorrow will be a very sad day for David and I as we say goodbye to our dear friend, Peter Day.
I had known Peter for just four years but David has known Peter since he was ten years old and they had a very close relationship. This of course meant than once I got together with David I too developed a very special friendship with the gorgeous old man.
He made it his business to get to know me and I am certain that he was checking that I was good enough for David! Thankfully I understood his humour, I answered all the questions he repeated each time we met and as we got to know each other it was clear that we were going to get along, I was going to be just right for his David!
We knew Peter through Staplehurst Dramatic Society where we were all members. Peter was the president and had been with the society for over 50 years.
Peter was a gentleman. He was old school. He was quirky and funny and had a heart of gold. He was a flirt too, the old devil, never missing an opportunity for a cuddle. He was a pleasure to spend time with and knew how to make people smile. He was a teacher, like me, and loved children. We talked a lot about school and teaching. He was very supportive of me, my career and came to see the school plays that I directed. He helped me get supply work in the village school by singing my praises to the Head there. The children at the school loved working with him and reading to him. They had great repsect for the man he was and the teacher he had been.
Peter Day had faith in me, he had faith in all people and he wanted to help in whatever way he could.
At drama he liked my acting style and thought I was very old fashioned because I had good diction and a loud, clear voice. He always had good things to say.
Peter and David enjoyed a friendship full of jokes and banter. There was a mutual respect between them and an affection that was clear to see.
David and I enjoyed taking Peter out for lunch or a drink and he seemed to enjoy our company too. Our dear old friend.
He will be missed.
I am very sad that he is gone and so sad that we never got the chance to introduce him to the twins. He would have loved to meet them. I know that he will also leave a larger than life hole in our wedding celebrations later this year too. I know for certain he would have been queuing for a dance with the bride!!
RIP old friend.
Enjoy your reunion with Teddy and be happy.
We miss you x
If there is one thing that I love to do it is sing. I know lots and lots of songs of by heart from a whole range of musical genres.
These days I have the wonderful excuse of singing to Esther and William but before it has always been purely for my own self indulgent pleasure. When I was younger I used to have a microphone that I would plug into my hifi and record myself on to tape singing a variety of songs.
I love musical theatre and can sing the whole way through The Sound of Music after playing Louisa in a production at drama. I used to always sing Memories from Cats and other Elaine Paige classics. My parents had an album with the lyrics on the sleeve and I learned them from there.
When I was younger we always had music on in the car, especially when we went on long journeys and I knew every word to every song on my Dad’s mix tapes. I remember that I used to say if I was not singing in the car then I would get sick or feel sick. I love singing in the car!
Now when David and I are in the car we also have music on and often we are both singing along at the tops of our voices. There is nothing better on a sunny day than driving fast, windows down, music loud and raising our voices together in song. Makes me smile. Warms the cockles of the heart!!
When I was a young teenager in the 80s singing was of a much more serious nature and the three songs that I remember singing and recording over and over again all have a similar theme of a young jilted girl with a broken heart or stuggling with true love. Oh dear!
The songs I have chosen to share, for which I know every single word are …
Tiffany – Could’ve Been
Debbie Gibson – Foolish Beat
Beverley Craven – Promise Me
What song is sure to have you sigining along? Hop over to Mumra’s and help us compile our playlist.
My summer anthem is an old favourite from 1996.
It reminds me of summers in Germany filled with BBQs, bottled beers and water fights. It reminds me of frolicks with friends from 7 Signal Regiment, hazy memories of good days gone by.
This summer tune should be listened to at full volume as you drive around country lanes with the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. You should be singing your heart out, at the top of your voice, as you catch your first glimpse of the sea.
An indie rock classic for all summers, everywhere!
Ladies and Gentleman, it can only be …
Ocean Colour Scene and The Day We Caught The Train.
What song says summer for you? Hop on over to Mummy Matters’ place to share some sizzling summer vibes!