Category Archives: love
Bump Watch: We Have Made It! 24 Weeks and Viable!

Reaching 24 weeks is an important milestone for any Mummy but for a Mummy who gave birth to her last babies at 27 week plus 3 it is a very special occasion. If Matilda May is born now they have … Continue reading
Listography 2012: Top 5 Photos from 2011

This week Kate has challenged us to share our Top 5 Photos of 2011. Not an easy task when you take hundreds of shots a day but here are five of mine, five precious moments from the year just gone. … Continue reading
World Prematurity Awareness Day

Today is World Prematurity Awareness Day, a day to stop and think about those babies born too soon. I write about prematurity regularly on this blog and work hard to support Bliss and the fabulous work they do supporting premature … Continue reading
Wedding Highlights Two Months On

I cannot believe that our wedding day was just two months ago, so much has happened in that short space of time. Here are a few of my favourite moments from that special day, captured perfectly by our photographer, Dwikoarie … Continue reading
0020/365 Self Portrait of a Soon to Be Married Couple!
May Milestones

Another month has passed And day by passing day We’ve made it through together Through the month of May And as we come out the other side We look back at the journey Examine the ride Reflect on how we’ve … Continue reading
E is for Evening Do!!

E could have been for engagement. David proposed at dawn at a castle, very romantic indeed! 7 months later we had a fabulous engagement party with lots of our family and friends. They are both stories worth sharing but of … Continue reading
The Gallery – Mother Love

Because I am so pleased with my poem I am submitting this to Blog Gems as my favourite post. I am late with this post as I have been away on holiday but I hope that people will still take … Continue reading
Introducing My Best Women!
In just 5 months David and I will be getting married. To help us prepare for the day and be with us on the day we have carefully chosen our wedding party.
Today I would like to introduce you to the bridesmaids.
I have chosen five bridesmaids, two flower girls and two page boys. They were all very easy decisions as I would not want to have our big day without one of them there.
Firstly my little sister, Julie.
Julie will be almost 32 by the time we get married but she is still my baby sister, my wee sis. I love her dearly and miss her very much when she is away, which is most of the time as she lives in Australia, with her husband, Hugh. Julie and I are close sisters and good friends. We are very similar in lots of ways and strikingly different in others. Julie is a Vet Nurse and an animal lover. She is always adopting waifs and strays into her home, cats mostly. Really though we are dog people and have both wept buckets reading and watching Marley and Me. Julie makes me laugh more than any other person I know, apart from David actually, and apart from David she is the person in the world I can most totally be myself with, and she loves me no matter what. Just as I love her. She is also a fabulous aunty to Esther and William and is always in our thoughts every day. I really am very lucky and I know that I would not want to have anyone else standing with me on my wedding day. My beautiful wee sis.
Next is Michele.
Michele I have known now for about 6 years and she has played a huge role in my life during those years particularly since meeting David and the birth of Esther and William, her Godchildren. Michele is my rock. She is who I turn to in a crisis knowing that no matter what she will be there. Michele is like the big sister I never had with a bit of motherliness thrown in. I know I can write that and it be okay as I have tried to explain all of this to Michele in the past. She is everything that a person looks for in a friend and more. I cannot imagine my life without her now. She helps me make decisions and advises me on all manner of things. I tell her all my thoughts and ideas, my insecurities and worrries, my hopes and dreams. I cannot find words enough to say how much she means to me and how I would not be where I am today without her constant friendship and support. She is someone else who makes me laugh and can brighten up my day by knowing exactly what to say and when to say it. My friendship with Michele started when she was my Teaching Assistant at Kings Hill. She looked after me in the classroom and then took me in when I had nowhere else to go. She made me believe in myself and helped me to discover the parts of me that David fell in love with. For that I will always be grateful and that is one of the many reasons why our wedding day would not be complete without Michele. And why she was chosen to be Esther and William’s Godmother. Thank you, Michele x
Petra and I have been friends since first we met in 1987. We were at school together for the final year of primary and right through to GCSEs. We did everything together for many years and got into all sorts of scrapes and bother. We also had the most wonderful times and made magical memories that we cherish to this day. I am now very proud to call Petra’s daughter, Maia, my Goddaughter and cannot believe that we have changed from little Girl Guides to fully grown up responsible mothers. In what seems like no time at all. I am so so glad that we have stayed friends for over 20 years.
Hannah and I started out as colleagues and soon became friends but it was not until leaving the school where we worked that our friendship really began to blossom and grow. Hannah is great to talk to, she is very funny and she has a good heart. Hannah will go out of her way to do things for others and she made sure that after I left Frittenden I was not forgotten and still involved in school and social events. Since the arrival of Esther and William she has been wonderful visiting us in hospital and at home. She is the making of my social calendar!! Hannah is so good with Esther and William, they really do love it when she comes to play. We are hoping to spend lots more time with her in the holidays now we are able to get out and about more.
Francoise lives in Grenoble with our best man, Mr Rew. Together they have a beautiful baby boy, Mael, who will be Esther’s and William’s playmate, penpal and friend in the years to come. It is such a shame that this family live so far away as we enjoy their company very much. Francoise is my bridesmaid because she is someone who I can always rely on, day or night, to say something to make me feel better. She is kind, caring and compassionate. She is funny and calming to be around. She is a great friend because she is so thoughtful and very naturally makes you feel at ease. She is creative and we share a passion for theatre and books. And now babies!!! I know that she will make valuable, memorable contributions to our special day.
I am so excited about our wedding, it has already been postponed once when Esther and William came so early, I am so looking forward to our day.
Girls; Let the countdown begin!
- Michele and Esther
- Francoise
- My wee sis x x x x
- Petra with Esther and Maia
- Hannah and William