Category Archives: fiance
The Bridal Countdown!

It is now less than one month to go until David and I are married, until our wedding day. I am not nervous at all about being a wife and I cannot wait to be a Henley but I do … Continue reading
0020/365 Self Portrait of a Soon to Be Married Couple!
Friday Flashback: Wee Sis
Today I have been missing my little sister. She lives in Australia and I know that she is very happy there but sometimes I really miss her, more than any words can say.
Today I have been thinking about when I first introduced, Julie, my little sister to my fiance, David. Dave and I were living in West Malling at the time and Julie came to stay in our flat for a long weekend. We had a fabulous time and as I knew that they would, Dave and Julie got on really well. It was brilliant, two people I am closest to in the world seemed to like each other, I was a very happy girl.
It was the summer of 2007 and I think it was a happy time for all of us. We certainly look happy in the photos I have chosen to share today.
It was a glorious summer weekend. The air was warm, the sun was shining and swimming in the sea was refreshing and cool. We went to the beach at Joss Bay and it was a perfect perfect day. At night we went to the pub, the three of us, and got merry chatting and playing drinking games. It really was a wonderful day.
This Friday Flashback is of happy summer days with the people I love best of all.
Flashback Friday – Don’t Put Your Daughter on the Stage!
This Friday I have chosen to reflect on my acting career – amateur dramatics that is.
I started performing when I was 6 years old in school nativities and local pantomimes and I continued into my thirties playing lots of fantastic roles, mostly in musicals and one act plays.
I studied drama at school to GCSE level and also completed A-Level Theatre Studies.
I share my love of theatre and acting with many of my friends and my fiance David.
I really do love acting and singing and directing and hope that at least one of my children will inherit the theatre bug from me.
Today I have been remembering good times and good friends made in theatres across Europe.
I have been recalling Little Shop of Horrors and playing Audrey, Dulcie in The Boyfriend, Mrs Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank, many principle boy and girl parts in panto and much more.
I have been reliving my roles and singing all the songs for I still know all the words.
There is no business like show business even when the show is an amateur one!
The Gallery: Celebration

Here is another pick of The Gallery archives from me. This time I have chosen to illustrate the theme of celebration and to do this I have chosen the bittersweet event that was our engagement party. It was held in May … Continue reading
The Gallery – Sparkle
This is a Gallery topic from last year that I have decided to use as the focus for a post. A chance to show off something of mine I love that sparkles. My engagement ring!
David proposed to me in December 2008 as the longest night of the year ended. It was the most wonderful start to one of the best days of my life, matched only by the day that Esther and William were born. And the day we found out they were coming!
David proposed at Bodiam Castle in a very romantic way. It was the longest night of the year and I was woken from a deep, deep sleep. I heard a voice saying, “Wake up, Jennie. Jennie. Wake up!” I realised that David was not beside me. Our song started playing (I’ll Stop the World, The Cure). I got out of bed and started looking for David before realising that the voice and the music was coming from the computer. The voice was saying, “Before the dawn on the longest night, I’ll wake you, Look outside let the blue lights guide you, Wrap up warm, your future awaits you.”
I rushed to look out of the window to the back garden but could not see anything. I looked out of the front window and saw a blue light flickering on the footpath to the castle. I got dressed and spotted a torch labelled, “Bring me with you!” I took the torch and left the house, heading for the blue light. When I reached the footpath I noticed that lots of blue lights were leading and lighting the way toward the castle.
David was very clever, and thoughtful, to choose blue as it is my favourite colour. I let the lights guide me, following them with my torch. I was excited and terrified all at the same time. The lights led all the way to the draw bridge of the castle that too was all bathed in blue. And there was David, waiting in the bitter cold with the most beautiful diamond I have ever seen! He told me that he loved me and asked me to be his wife. It was just wonderful! A perfect moment.
Over the next few weeks and months we designed the ring above and found the person we wanted to make this most precious sparkle. Now I wear this sparkle of mine with pride and can’t wait til it is joined by a wedding band. 7 months to go!!!
The wave form represents the sea and also the winding path to the castle. The sapphire is blue for my favourite colour, the guiding blue lights and the sea. The diamond represents the castle and our love. Everlasting, with strong defences and loyal servants.
My sparkle!
30 Reasons Why I Love My Fiance

An old post re-aired. One year ago today I went into labour with our beautiful children Esther and William. David was amazingly strong as our babies arrived 13 weeks too soon. He has continued to be a wonderful fiance and … Continue reading