Category Archives: Family
The Gallery: Me Right Now
Does This Sound Like an Okay Day for 18 Month Olds?
The Long Day Home Alone!
7.00 Independent Play / Mr Tumble
8.00 Breakfast
8.30 Independent Play / looking out the window
9.00 In the Night Garden and milk
9.30 Nap
10.30 Walkers out
11.00 Snack and Story time
11.30 Guided Play – Stacking, Sorting and Tower Building / Get Esther dressed
12.30 Walk round the village and possibly swings
1.30 Lunch
2.00 Tunnel and Walking Mat with action songs
2.45 In The Night Garden and milk
3.15 Nap
3.45 Crayons
4.00 Musical Instruments
4.45 Tidy Up Time and signing Dear Zoo and Animal Sounds
5.00 Tea
Does this sound okay for two 18 month old toddlers? (Corrected age 15 months)
We are not good at staying home.
A Magical Multiple Moment – that of course ends in tears!
032/366 Beauty and the Ball
031/366 Taking After Mummy
030/366 Joyous Squidger!
Yummy Mummy Writing Prompts Week One

Yummy Mummy is a fundraising campaign run by CLIC Sargent, the children’s cancer charity. For the last six years mums all across the UK have been raising money by taking part in Yummy Mummy Week. This year Nickie at I … Continue reading
Silent Sunday
029/366 Finally Facing Forwards!

Esther and William, at 18 months, are finally big enough to go into forward facing car seats and after ages trying to decide which ones would be best today we plumped for Maxi Cosi Tobis. So now when Matilda comes … Continue reading