Here in the Edspire household we are still working hard on our signing. One of our favourite ways to spend half an hour is to watch videos on You Tube and sign what we see. Some of our favourites are … Continue reading
Here in the Edspire household we are still working hard on our signing. One of our favourite ways to spend half an hour is to watch videos on You Tube and sign what we see. Some of our favourites are … Continue reading
So today we had our first attempt at messy play that was not part of a meal! I collected together different bowls, cups, plates, spoons and kitchen utensils. For the mess we used Cheerios as I knew they would be … Continue reading
It is official! I am going to Brit Mums Live together with my brand new baby daughter (Matilda!) and sponsored by two of the most baby centred companies I know, BundleBean and Snoozeshade. BundleBean and Snoozeshade both provide baby products … Continue reading
So with approximately 12 weeks to go panic is setting in that I am not going to be able to cope with three babies under three. A discussion with my lovely husband has really put the spotlight on that tonight … Continue reading
It is beautiful where we live when it snows but very difficult to get the buggy out so that Esther and William can experience it. Last winter they were in their HugaBubs. Today we whizzed them round in little inflatable … Continue reading
So yesterday we survived our day home alone. It was in fact a rather lovely day and we did lots of lovely things. My favourite of which was our Musical Mayhem time. This is based on a class we go … Continue reading
Just before Christmas we were lucky enough to win three Trunki toy boxes from Toy Tidy. I was so thrilled with the prize as not a week before I had asked my husband if I could buy some of these … Continue reading