The wind is wild here Autumn has arrived We have harvested our apples The leaves are turning and falling There is magic in the air It is the perfect afternoon To snuggle up In front of a log fire With … Continue reading
The wind is wild here Autumn has arrived We have harvested our apples The leaves are turning and falling There is magic in the air It is the perfect afternoon To snuggle up In front of a log fire With … Continue reading
When I was a child I LOVED the film of The Swiss Family Robinson I loved it so much that it makes me smile Just to remember all the times I watched it It is one of those stories that … Continue reading
Last week while on holiday I was part of the How Messy! Book tour over on Instagram Edie and I have fallen in love with Dot and Duck. They are exactly like Bea and Edie in the way they are … Continue reading
One of the topics we covered on our antenatal retreat with expert midwife Nikki Khan is what to do if your pregnancy goes past 40 weeks.
This is particularly relevant for me at the moment as I await the late arrival of friends’ and family members’ babies.
A full term of pregnancy is actually anything between 38 and 42 weeks though our due date is always in the 40th week. It is therefore not unreasonable that people get frustrated if the day comes and goes and there is no baby to be found.
The due date that we are given is only an estimate worked out by our dates or from a dating scan. In reality just five percent of babies are born on their actual due date. As long as all is well with you and the baby you will be left for nature to take its course but will be closely monitored.
The first step would be to try a membrane sweep. The midwife or doctor will try to separate the membranes around your baby from your cervix. This encourages the release of the hormones that help to trigger labour. If the sweep is successful labour usually starts within 48 hours.
Nikki Khan Top Tip
A clenched fist under each buttock can make internal examinations easier and less painful. Also gives midwfie easier access for sweep or trying to break waters while maximising comfort for the mummy to be in an awkward uncomfortable procedure. A tens machine can also be used to ease examinations and sweeps.
If a sweep is not successful then you will be offered gel or pessaries to medically stimulate the cervix.
Once the cervix begins to soften then a midwife might try to break your waters to bring labour on.
There is no guarantees with any of these procedures and it may be that a caesarean section becomes the best and safest course of action available for you and your baby.
Before things get that far though there are certain things that you can do if you do go overdue.
Things People Try
Raspberry leaf tea can kick start labour and should only be drunk from week 37 to avoid a premature birth.
It is thought that a hot curry will induce labour but what it actually does is cause diarrhoea which in turn sparks uterine contractions. It has to be a very hot curry!
It is also claimed that having sexual intercourse will bring on labour. In fact for this method to have even a slight chance of working you would need to have sex about 8 times to get the right amount of hormone from the sperm to stimulate the cervix and bring on a birth.
Gentle exercise and walking may help to bring on labour as being upright and moving around may encourage the baby to move down in the pelvis. This would also help you to relax which could help your body prepare for labour.
You can also have acupuncture to start contractions and labour.
Other ideas for what to do if you are overdue can be found in the book My Pregnancy. It is a great read and full of ideas for trying to get your baby out. It also goes on to give good advice on what to during the birth and once your baby is here. Definitely worth a look if you still have some time.
The ideas I have stated here were shared as part of the Nikki Khan Antenatal Weekend that we went on this weekend. It was fabulous and I learned so much that I know is going to help me through this pregnancy, labour and birth. You can find out more about the antenatal weekend here and I will be writing a full review of the weekend here at Edspire over the next couple of days.
I will also be writing a review of the book My Pregnancy which we were given as part of a very generous goody bag on the course.
Did you go overdue? What did you do? What tips would you give me to share with my patiently waiting friends?
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Today I have been looking back at pictures of Esther and William at 28 weeks gestation. They had been out in the world, or at least their incubators, for a few days by then. This is Esther at 28 weeks. … Continue reading