When Esther and William were born at 27 weeks they were too small and too sick to breastfeed and so for weeks I had to express milk every three hours, day and night. We used the hospital pumps for much … Continue reading
When Esther and William were born at 27 weeks they were too small and too sick to breastfeed and so for weeks I had to express milk every three hours, day and night. We used the hospital pumps for much … Continue reading
Today I am 26 weeks pregnant. I am feeling fat and breathless if I do too much. I am finding it hard to stay comfortable on the sofa or in bed. I am getting tired easily. Though I think all … Continue reading
Reaching 24 weeks is an important milestone for any Mummy but for a Mummy who gave birth to her last babies at 27 week plus 3 it is a very special occasion. If Matilda May is born now they have … Continue reading
Esther and William will be a year old on the 24th of July. I have breastfed them from day one. They have never had a bottle, they have never had formula. This is something that I am very proud of, … Continue reading
You will see that I have already signed up for Tiddlyompompom’s June Challenge as I come before you all to declare my failure to achieve the challenge I set myself for May. Oh dear, and like my maypole dancing in … Continue reading
Weaning Esther and William was always going to be a bit different, because there are two of them but also because of their prematurity. With premature babies teeth and tummies develop according to actual age but everything else is by … Continue reading
Over the next few weeks I am going to be writing a series of posts about weanng twins based on my experiences with Esther and William. I am hoping to revew a range of baby foods, test out meal planning, … Continue reading
In January 2010 my fiancé, David, and I started our fifth cycle of ICSI in the hope of getting pregnant and having a baby of our own. We were starting to wonder if IVF was ever going to work for … Continue reading
This morning I had my Jenny Craig consultation with a lovely lady called Claire. We reviewed the week and I admitted to my cheating. We discussed the fact that I am breastfeeding twins and she explained that my calorie intake should not be 1200 calories but 2300 calories so it was no wonder that I had found the need to cheat!
Today Claire is going to send out new, adjusted, menus to allow for the extra calories.
Not sure that I will eat the full 2300 calories but what I will do is continue regulating my portion sizes and being aware of how much salt there is in certain foods. Too much salt leads to water retention which can lead to excess weight!
The main focus of today’s consultation was finding out what kind of eater I am.
There are 5 main styles of eater as identified by the Jenny Craig Programme:
Uninformed Eater; Emotional Eater; Unconscious Eater; Social Eater and Balanced Eater.
I am an emotional, unconscious eater. I miss some meals, I eat food because it is there and I also tend to eat when I am bored and sad.
You can learn more about these eating styles and discover what style you are by looking at the Jenny Craig website.
This week I have been asked to reflect on my eating style and try to avoid eating when and what I shouldn’t.
Today I have so far eaten porridge and a banana, soup and crumpets and a Jenny Craig snack bar. Looking forward to Jenny Craig chilli for tea!
Wish me luck! I will let you know how I get on x
Well, this is a new one for me.
It is 4.30am and I have given up trying to get any sleep and come downstairs with Esther.
I went to bed nice and early last night as I know that sleep deprivation is really starting to take its toll on me. I am becoming very grumpy and emotional and I am worried that when my Mum leaves this time next week I am going to struggle to cope on my own again.
Not sure why Esther can’t sleep?
But here we are, 4.30am, in the lounge. Esther playing on her gym and me tapping on my laptop, waiting for the kettle so that I can have a cup of tea. Herbal. I have given up the good stuff for Lent! Bad idea! And biscuits. Supposedly on a diet but needs must!
So anyway, after having this early night I was woken for feeds at 11pm, 12am, 2,40am and I have not been back to sleep since!
I think my total sleep is somewhere in the region of two hours!
William and David are now sleeping soundly. And I just do not know what to do with my wired little girl, or with this problem long term.
Esther and William are 7.5 months old and I am still up every 90 minutes on average at night feeding one or both of them. I feel like I am never going to ever sleep for longer than this again.
They are being weaned now and eat 3 meals, albeit small meals, a day on top of their considerable milk intake.
I don’t think that it is hunger keeping them up at night.
So comfort, or habit?
What do we do to break the cycle? If that is what it is.
David wants me to go away and stay in a hotel for a night, leaving him to feed both babies for a night, even though William has always refused a bottle. He says he will manage with a cup or a syringe.
I am sure that cannot be the answer, short or long term.
Answers on a postcard please. Or in the comments below will do.
Kettle’s boiled.