Anyone who knows me or reads this blog regularly will know how much I have been looking forward to spending new year with my wee sis and meeting my gorgeous 10 week old nephew, Toby. They live in Australia and … Continue reading
Anyone who knows me or reads this blog regularly will know how much I have been looking forward to spending new year with my wee sis and meeting my gorgeous 10 week old nephew, Toby. They live in Australia and … Continue reading
Nameless Nephew Newsome has a name! He has two names in fact! His name is Toby Philip Newsome. How wonderful is that? Toby Toby is a Hebrew name meaning ‘God is Good’ Famous Tobies include Toby Maguire (Spiderman) and Toby … Continue reading
My sister’s having a baby A tiny baby boy I am collecting a bundle of special things A blanket, some outfits, a toy Today she had her baby shower All her friends were there But I am here in England … Continue reading
1st Jan 2011 List three countries you’d like to visit, and why you want to go. Germany I lived in Germany for the happiest years of my life before meeting David. From 10 – 24. I would love to go … Continue reading