“Grief is the price we pay for love.” Queen Elizabeth As the world prepares for back to school The pain of losing Tilda hurts all over again This year our darling daughter Would be heading in to Year 6 Her … Continue reading
“Grief is the price we pay for love.” Queen Elizabeth As the world prepares for back to school The pain of losing Tilda hurts all over again This year our darling daughter Would be heading in to Year 6 Her … Continue reading
WILLIAM ASKS EIGHT In this blog series William, age 12 Has come up with eight questions To ask his favourite authors We will share the answers On Instagram and Facebook And also here on the blog Alongside the Q&A we … Continue reading
Did you write a diary as a child? I wrote one for years and years, starting as a young child recording what I did each day slowly becoming a teenage journal. I used to record everything, thoughts, feelings, boys I … Continue reading
Bea has always been a performer, starting dance classes at 2 years old. She has shone in every dance show she has performed in and gained distinctions in dance exams. What she has always wanted to do was act. This … Continue reading
“Have you ever curled up With a tree in your hands As stories or songs in a book? Have you read till the moon And the stars filled the sky As you sat in a cosy old nook?” My favourite … Continue reading
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’” Audrey Hepburn Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? Children (and adults!) with a growth mindset Believe that intelligence and abilities Can be developed through effort, persistence Trying different strategies … Continue reading
WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY 2022 IT TAKES A VILLAGE “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” … Continue reading
When I was a child I LOVED the film of The Swiss Family Robinson I loved it so much that it makes me smile Just to remember all the times I watched it It is one of those stories that … Continue reading
“Kyoto, Japan. Mina feels so weirdly at home. She is herself, but it’s like there’s another Mina waiting to be discovered or created here. On a crowded bus, a woman makes a paper boat and a paper bird and gives … Continue reading
This is a sponsored post Coding is a great way to get your child exploring some brand new skills that will help them with their progress, development and engagement skills. It also gives your child the freedom to try something … Continue reading