When I went to university to train to be a teacher
As part of the interview process
I had to write an essay
Answering the question
Is teaching children to read the most important thing we do as teachers?
I was young
Had no children of my own
But I was a reader
I battled with myself in that essay
Talking about the importance of reading
But also of other academic subjects
Of life skills
Of being a good human being
But everything else
I believe
Comes back to reading
We read for information
We read to escape and explore
We read for empathy and understanding
We read to find ourselves
To lose ourselves
“Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s cognitive development than their parents’ level of education and is a more powerful factor in life achievement than socio-economic background.”
Reading is SO important for children and that is why I agreed to host this sponsored post
We’re all told to read more as it’s good for our brain as well as many other things. For children in particular who are growing and continually learning about the world, the result is better grades at school and access to a whole new world of possibilities. It is recommended that they spend at least 15 to 20 minutes a day reading. This should be material that interests them and that they enjoy reading. It could be a fictional book, magazine, or a blog post even. Please find below more on the benefits of reading for children.
Expands the Vocabulary
One cool thing about reading is that it expands our vocabulary which in turn helps us to learn more and improve our understanding of the world around us. As children learn new words, they are able to comprehend what they read and understand the conversations that they have better. This can also help strengthen their communication skills.Improved Academic Performance
With a broader vocabulary, children can also produce a higher quality of answers, comprehend tasks and class material better. It can help them across all of their subjects at school, and not just English.
Understanding of the World
Reading also helps children to broaden their understanding of the world. They are introduced to new themes, ideas, and ways of thinking which can help them to see life in a new light. There are books spanning a wide range of topics. It can help them to understand themselves better and what interests them.Creativity
Creativity is a vital thinking skill for children to develop. It allows them to create new, innovative ideas and problem solve. As books introduce children to different ideas, they can offer inspiration and help them to consider alternative ways of thinking. It also requires imagination as we’re only told what is happening. The mind must fill in the blanks and build a picture of what’s going on.Relaxation
Reading is a form of relaxation. It allows you to calm the mind and immerse yourself into a different situation entirely. It’s great to help children unwind before bed.
Keeps the Brain Active
Unlike watching TV and surfing the internet, reading keeps the brain active. It provides mental stimulation as you must actively use your brain to read, imagine what’s happening and are encouraged to form your own theories as to what will happen next.These are just a few of the amazing benefits that come with reading. Even if your child is not of reading age, it can be good exercise to read to them so that they can familiarise themselves with letters, words and sounds they hear.