The Night Animals

Not sure how I will find the words for this review

Once again Sarah Ann Juckes you have written exactly what I needed to read

As a mother with PTSD this was not a comfortable read

But I have read it twice through now and I know there is nothing wrong with me and I am not a bad mother

My worst days are behind me now but as we approach the 10th anniversary of Tilda’s death

I feel the ghosts closing in

More books like this need to be written

More stories like this need to be heard so people can begin to understand families who are hurting

And who do not always know how to ask for the help they desperately need

I have so much to say about this brilliant and beautiful book

I am ready now to read it with my older two children

I will take a lot from Nora’s story forward with me

The Night Animals is about so much more than a mother with PTSD

It is a story that shines a light on the power and joy we find in friendship

That shows us strength and courage come in all shapes and sizes

That reminds us all that asking for help is not weakness

It is not giving up it is refusing to give up

Asking for help is brave and strong

Accepting help takes the same courage and strength

This story shows us all that we are not alone and it is okay to not be okay

This is ultimately a story of the vital need for us all to have empathy and kindness for others

This book makes us understand that perfect is not normal

There is so much to love about this story beautifully illustrated by Sharon King-Chai

Thanks to Sarah I will

Learn to recognise ghosts when they come
Know that hauntings happen for a reason
They are memories, thoughts, feelings
They can help us
And remind us to be brave
They can lead us to the help that we need

Maybe I will be able to find the words for that review

Thank you Simon Kids and Sarah for trusting me with an early copy of The Night Animals

I love Nora, Kwame and his grandad, Joel and Nell with all my heart

My full review of this brilliant and beautiful book will be part of the Blog Tour at the end of the month

“That’s the thing about friendship – it can appear suddenly like a rainbow-lit ghost animal, and just like that the night doesn’t seem as dark anymore.”

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