The Repair Shop Stories: The Christmas Doll

Do you watch The Repair Shop?

It is a programme that David and I both like. David for the practical skills and me for the stories behind the treasured objects brought along to be restored and revived.

We recently watched an episode featuring a rocking horse belonging to a child who had died and it was a hugely moving story and really touched me, a bereaved mother with a baby who got a rocking horse for her first and only Christmas.

When I learned that there was to be a picture book series of The Repair Shop Stories I could not wait to read them with my children.

I love family heirlooms and vintage toys. I love the connection treasured items bring families. In this first Repair Shop Story The Christmas Doll we meet Great-Granny Sue and Evie, who both love a very special doll called Lizzy.

Granny Sue and Evie bring their special doll to The Repair Shop. Lizzy is a beautiful doll but her nose is chipped, her head cracked and her stitching has come apart.

Granny Sue tells the team at The Repair Shop her and Lizzy’s story.

In 1939 Great-Granny Sue along with many other children was evacuated from wartime London. With only a change of clothes and a toothbrush Sue had boarded a train unsure of where she was going or when she would be back.

Sue was whisked away to the countryside to live with Mr and Mrs Russell. The kind couple looked after Sue with love and kindness. As time passed Sue began to feel more at home. Christmas came and The Russell’s gave little Sue a dolly of her own. It was the most beautiful doll she had ever seen and she called her Lizzy. Sue and Lizzy did everything together. When Sue realised Lizzy was hers forever and not just for Christmas she was so very happy. She thought that it was the most magical Christmas ever.

When the time came for Sue to return to her mother in London, after the war, she took Lizzy with her and the beautiful doll reminded her of the lovely couple who looked after her and their kindness towards her.

The story touches the hearts of everyone in The Repair Shop. The team are honoured to work on bringing back to life such a beautiful and special doll.

When Lizzy is repaired and restored, Great-Granny Sue gives the doll to Evie. Evie will be Lizzy’s guardian now and the doll will always remind her of Granny Sue and her wartime evacuation.

This is such a beautiful story filled with love and the magic of Christmas.

A wonderful way to gently introduce littlest readers to the second world war and children being evacuated from the big cities to keep them safe.

A lovely way to get little ones talking to their grown ups about toys that were special to them when they were young.

One to bring a tear to your eye and a song to your soul.

The artwork is gorgeous and at the back of the book you can find out more about The Repair Shop Team and the true story behind this brilliant and beautiful picture book.

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