How To Be A Real Ballerina

My children have all been dancers at one time through their childhood

For five years we danced with The Charlotte Hudson School of Dance

Which we loved because of the principal Charlotte

She ran a school open to all

Boys, girls, mixed ages and mixed abilities

She truly believed that everyone could dance

That everyone should dance

She was incredibly kind and impossibly patient

It was because of Charlotte that all my children tried a wide range of dance styles

Acro, Jazz, Tap, Street, Modern, Musical Theatre

And of course, ballet

If like me, you have a house filled with tiny dancers

I have the perfect book for you

A cute, funny book

With an inclusive cast of characters

And a mum and a teacher we can all relate to

A book that shows children that anyone can dance

Being a real ballerina is not about being perfect

It is about showing up and having a go

It is about how dancing makes you feel

If your heart feels like it’s flying when you perform

You will know that you’re a real ballerina

How To Be A Real Ballerina

Is about a young dancer’s earliest days of ballet

As she learns the positions

Gets used to her uniform and having to wear her hair in a smart ballet bun

This is a story about a girl, much like Bea

Who is strong willed and determined

Who likes to do things her way

A little dancer who knows what she wants

But is not quite sure yet of the rules and routines of dance class

This is a little dancer with some helpful hints for other young wannabe ballerinas

The illustrations are filled with joy and gentle humour

Bea loves the little grey cat

This is a story of how practise may not always make perfect

How new things can sometimes be tricky

It is also a story of the magical feeling of performing on stage

And how wonderful it feels when all your hard work comes together

An inspirational story for tiny dancers just beginning classes

Or for a fond look back with bigger ballerinas to the cute little preschoolers they once were

We have LOVED exploring this wonderful book together

It has definitely made us feel like we have Christmas-tree lights in our tummy

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