Maisie Mammoth’s Memoirs

How do we learn about prehistory?

How do we know about times before things were written down?

How do we learn about the past?

Whenever the children and I learn about prehistory

We talk about what prehistory means and look at how we know about times like the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

We learn about the different jobs historians and archaeologists do.

This book, Maisie Mammoth’s Memoirs, tells us about some of the creatures who lived in the Ice Age.

This is a fun book that is filled to bursting with fascinating facts about prehistoric animals.

We have learned so much reading this together.

We have learned about the ancestors of orangutans and sloths.

As a Game of Thrones fan I loved reading about the Dire Wolf!

The storyteller in this book is Maisie the Mammoth who introduces us to her friends from the past and tells us about their appearance, their diet, their habitat, some special features and how we know about them.

Facts with bright colourful illustrations and just the right dose of gentle humour make a perfect non fiction book for families with children who cover a range of ages and abilities.

The twins, age 12, love this book just as much as Edie and Bea.

As the children read about each animal there are ooohs and aaahs and gasps and giggles as they learn all about this prehistoric menagerie.

This is a wonderful book for young historians and animal lovers.

Perfect for anyone looking at prehistory and especially the Ice Age.

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