5 Signs Your Child is Unhappy at School #ad

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There are many reasons out there why your child is not feeling motivated to go to school, or their independent college, then it’s time to figure out why your child is not happy. Here are some signs to look out for.

1. They are showing reluctance to learn
You will often find that a child that loves learning and embraces the skills they’re picking up can instantly change if there’s something wrong at school. You can soon notice that your child isn’t following skills as quickly as others, or your child’s teachers have already informed you that your child is falling behind. These small changes can give a big impact on how your child goes forward at school, which is when you need to have those discussions with them.

2. Your child’s behaviour has changed
This will be an obvious one to pinpoint from an early stage. There’s a lot of ways their behaviour can change; your child could act more reserved than usual or they’ve lost their appetite. Assess how your child is doing on a regular basis so that nothing comes off as a huge surprise. You already know when your child’s mood has changed and what needs to change to help them enjoy school again.

3. Your child has lost interest in their hobbies
Lots of kids will have different hobbies or extracurricular activities to explore, but it’s about how they interact with them when under a lot of stress. If a child is unhappy with their time in school then they’re going to want to avoid different activities if it means they’re not spending as much time in school each week.

4. Your child’s teachers are concerned
A talk with staff at your child’s school can highlight a lot of areas where they are struggling and how you can help them with their progress. They will see your child in a different way that will help you understand their skills and what they might need help with. This is also when you should look into what you can do to help your child learn to enjoy their studies better, or again.

5. Your child is refusing to head to school
If it’s all becoming too much for your child then they can just start avoiding school altogether. They refuse to leave their room, or they’re pretending to be ill to avoid heading to school. This is when you may need to take more serious precautions about what is going on with your child’s progress in school and see what the solution could be.

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