The Book Family Robinson

When I was a child I LOVED the film of
The Swiss Family Robinson
I loved it so much that it makes me smile
Just to remember all the times I watched it
It is one of those stories that for me
Takes me straight back to my childhood
I had a Ladybird version of the book
But did not read the novel until I was much older

Today the children and I have been reading
The BOOK Family Robinson
An absolutely brilliant picture book
Written by Jonathan Emmett
Illustrated by Sam Caldwell
And published by Templar Books

The story begins in a house much like ours
Books, books and more books
As far as the eye can see

The story is about a family
Much like ours
Who are always reading books
Sharing books
Talking to one another about books
Thinking about books
Dreaming about books
Learning through books

The family are getting ready to go on a sailing holiday
They are trying to choose which of their many books
To take with them
Finding the choice too much of a challenge
They decide to take them all

Only one family member has no trouble
Choosing a story
And that is baby Charlie
Who only wants to read
Funny Monkey Goes to the Toilet
Over and over again
Poop! Poop!

This set the children and I off
Remembering all the books
That they have loved hearing
Over and over again
And the books that they now
As independent readers
Like returning to
For company and comfort

The Robinsons set sail
And all goes well
Until the storm

The family and all their books
Are washed up on a desert island
Using their many books
They begin to build a life on the island
William absolutely loved the brilliantly linked
Book titles and author names
We spent A LONG time today coming up
With our own absurd authors
For a whole host of books
It was quite an addictive activity
And one of the many highlights
Of this brilliantly funny book

Even baby Charlie gets involved
Digging a toilet
Inspired by his favourite book
Poop! Poop!

While digging out the latrine
They discover a hoard of treasure
The family wonder who might have left it there?
It is not long until they find out

The family come face to face
With a gang of pirates
And there is only one thing
That might stop them from
Being forced to walk the plank
Their own hoard of treasure
Their books

Can the Robonsons read their way out of walking the plank?
You will have to get your own copy of the book to find out!

This is such a wonderful story
A firm favourite here
As we are a family of bookworms
We believe that books are the answer to most things
If ever in doubt, we turn to the pages of a book
If you feel the same
Then I am certain that you will love this book
Just as much as we do
If you ever yearned to be castaway
And live in a treehouse on an island
Then this book is for you
It is an absolute joy to read aloud
With an amazing ending
That will make lovers of books and stories
Of all ages grin from ear to ear

We are a family of book lovers
Wherever we are, we always have books with us
And we heartily recommend this
Swashbuckling page turner to you!

Poop! Poop!

Do check out this reel to see all the activities
We did today inspired by this book
Including choosing our own
Desert Island Books

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