
Have you met Nook?
I have met her many times.
I have met her in many different children.
The shy ones.
The anxious ones.
The quiet ones.
The sensitive ones.

One of my own children can be like Nook.

Nook is small and shy and she likes to snuggle into cosy corners and enclosed spaces. Places where she feels safe.

Nook has a lovely little circle of friends. They are patient and kind and protective. They include her in their play just enough so that she knows she is part of their play. Nook does not always know what to say and that is okay. She likes to be included without being too close. And that is okay too. Her friends love her and accept her for who she is.

Nook has a favourite safe place outside in the playground.

It is a hollow at the foot of a tree. Nook snuggles in to the tree and her friends play around her. Nook feels happy and safe. But one day someone else is in Nook’s safe space. Nook is scared and anxious and she does not know what to do. She feels her panic rise as she feels alone and exposed. But Nook is not on her own for long, her friends are right behind her. Her friends have her back. They come together and stand up for their friend. When she cannot find her voice they use theirs to make her feel safe. The friends stand behind Nook to create a safe cocoon for her and then they gently lead her to the middle of the playground. Their kindness fuels Nook’s courage. Their friendship makes her feel safe and allows her to be brave. Nook could try new things and venture to new places knowing that her friends had her back.

This Is such a lovely story of kindness, friendship and inclusion. It is beautifully illustrated and a joy to read aloud. This is a lovely book about celebrating difference and loving people for who they are.

The perfect gentle story to talk to children about how to be a friend and ally to people who may need some extra love and kindness.

We would love to give Nook a cuddle and we would also love to know more about the unhappy Badger. We think he may need some love and kindness too x

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