Kindness Grows

I adore Britta Teckentrup and I think that this is such a visually powerful book.

Kindness Grows shows how kindness builds us up while anger and ugly words can tear us down.

Yesterday was a dark day here. Everyone was feeling emotional and frustrated and we were none of us as kind as we usually are. Today is about repairing the cracks and this amazing book has really helped us all to understand the impact that unkind words can have on one another.

The clever use of colour and the metaphor of a tree really show children how cracks caused by unkindness can grow and fester if we do not do anything about them while if we are kind to one another then good things happen and love blossoms, spreads and grows.

This clever book shows the darkness of anger and shouting and stamping in direct contrast to the light brightness of kind words and good deeds.

The stunning illustrations show us what happens when we come together and work together to make each other feel warm and safe and sound.

The children in the story show us that reaching out to others is not as tricky as it seems and if we are all happy with one another and share our kind words and gentle actions then we can always be stronger together.

Light always wins over dark.

Kindness is stronger than cross feelings.

A smile really can brighten someone’s day and by reaching out we can help to bring someone out of the darkness of their anger and frustration and into the beautiful colours of kindness, friendship and love.

Sometimes we all have dark days and we need someone to show us the light.

Always always be kind.

It really really matters x

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