Books That Help With Feeling Angry

We all have bad days
Days when nothing goes right
And even when everything does go right
It just feels wrong

We all have grumpy mornings
Overtired evenings
And everyone has the potential
To have one almighty tantrum

Anger affects everyone
And it can be a really scary feeling to feel
A scary emotion to witness
And a tricky one to understand and explain

What makes us cross is unique to us
What makes our tempers flare is personal
Sometimes how we feel is completely out of our control
And we do not always know how to process our feelings
They just shoot out of us
Like fireworks

We might roar
We might howl
We might throw a wobbler

We might rage
See red
Be silent

We all need space and time
And someone to listen

We all need to know that what we feel is okay
Learning to process and talk about how we feel
Is important
For us and for those around us

Talking is not always easy
Listening can be hard

Sometimes we all need
Space and time
And to know that we are not alone
To know that it is not just us

These books that I am sharing today
Are brilliant and beautiful books
That will help children and their grown ups
Talk about anger
Talk about frustrations
Talk about big emotions
And feeling out of control

These brilliant and beautiful books
Will help little readers and their grown ups
Understand themselves and have empathy for others

There are SO many wonderful books
Helping children open up about their feelings
Inspiring discussions about emotions
Getting children and adults talking
Listening and sharing

Books like these are SO important
And it is vital that they find their way
Into the hands, hearts and minds
Of the little people who need them most

That is why I share books her on my blog
And across my social channels
It is why SO many of us share
Books and stories that matter
Because the do matter
So very much

These are among many many many
Books That Help
And I am so glad that at
Clare Helen Welsh
Has started her campaign
To celebrate and share book that help
Children and their grown ups
Talk together
Read together
About hard topics and tough times

It matters
Books matter
Stories matter
Children matter
It matters

The books that I have chosen today
Books that help children talk about anger
That will help them identify and process their feelings are

When I See Red by Britta Teckentrup

The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld

Ravi’s Roar by Tom Percival

Storm In A Jar by Samuel Langley-Swain and Katie Cottle

Barbara Throws A Wobbler by Nadia Shireen

Howl by Kat Patrick and Evie Barrow

The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

Sweep by Louise Greig and Julia Sarda

Which brilliant and beautiful books would you add to this list?

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