Books That Help Children Talk About Their Feelings

“Everyone is different and their feelings aren’t the same
And what you feel is who you are, it’s something you must claim.
Try to walk in someone’s shoes to see how they might feel.
For though you cannot see them, feelings are still strong and real.”
Libby Walden

“My heart is full of feelings. Big feelings and small feelings. Loud feelings and quiet feelings. Quick feelings and slow feelings. My heart is like a house with all these feelings living inside.”
Jo Witek

“Everyone gets stuck with a difficult feeling or lets fizzy feelings explode. But remember that difficult feelings do pass and it’s ok to ask for help if you need it. Dealing with feelings gets easier the more you talk about them.”
Felicity Brook and Frankie Allen

“Of all these many feelings
Love is strongest through and through.
It swells up in my heart
When I cuddle close with you.”
Stephanie Stansbie

Today I want to share with your
Our favourite books
For learning to identify feelings in ourselves and others
Learning how to deal with different feelings and to support others emotionally
We are going to think about the link between feelings and actions
We are going to think about what makes us feel certain emotions
And how we act when we are feeling certain ways
This is a huge topic and such an important one for our young people
These books are brilliant resources for teachers and parents and should be available to children always
Mental health matters always not just on special awareness weeks
Emotional literacy is so important for our little ones as they grow into big ones
And it is important for us grown ups too.

These brilliant and beautiful books are just perfect for sharing together, reading together and growing together

Are any of your favourites here?
Click through to Instagram to read our reviews x

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.
Fred Rogers

A carpet of beautiful books to get families talking about their feelings
Talking and listening are so incredibly important when dealing with big emotions
Talking, listening and being there

All these brilliant books are saved in my Instagram Guides

These are brilliant and important books for talking to our children about mental health
To help them beging dealing with their feelings
And developing empathy for others

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