Once Upon A Fairytale

I cannot begin to tell you
How much Edie and I have been enjoying
Once Upon A Fairytale
By Natalia and Lauren O’Hara

This is a brand new book
Filled with the most beautiful artwork
That reminds me of every story I ever wrote
As a young child
I loved to write stories as a child
But as much as I loved to write
I loved to draw maps of magical kingdoms
And name all the places on the map
And all the characters that would adventure within it
Often placing myself as the main character in the story

This Choose Your Own Adventure Book
Gives me the same feelings I had then
It transports me to my childhood
And all the stories that I read
That inspired my own story writing
Of course this is far more wondrous and beautiful
Than anything ever created
By 8 or 9 year old me
This book is weaved with true story magic
And the imaginations of all young readers
Who can make the tales their own
Over and over again

This is what Edie and I have been doing
Since this book arrived here at Edspire HQ
She has loved being the hero of the stories
That she has created with the help of
The O’Hara Sisters
Their wonderfully immersive storytelling adventure
And their enchanting detailed drawings

Every turn of the page adds a twist to the tale
Children choose their fairytale opening
They choose the main character and where they live
They choose the curse that has been cast over the land
And the villain responsible for it

Little readers find themselves the hero of the story
Rescuing mermen
Freeing bear kings
Flying with a kindly moth and
Helping a pixie

For every good deed
A reward is given
Chosen of course by the reader
What magical object would you choose to help you on your quest?

A vanishing cloak
Like Harry Potter
Magic red shoes
Like Dorothy
A bow and arrow
Like Robin Hood

There are so many intertextual links to make
Through the pages of this book
Edie and I made reference not only to fairytales
But to picture books and stories we read
To films and stage shows that we have seen
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
The House With Chicken Legs
Hansel and Gretel
Alice In Wonderland
With babies turned into pigs

There is something for everyone in this book
A tale for even the most reluctant storyteller
To be inspired be and to want to share
Over and over again

Here is a gift that will keep on giving and giving
As children choose and build
Read and tell
Compose and share
Their imaginations fired
And their confidence soaring

As with most traditional fairytales
This brilliant adventure has a happy ending
Even though all the characters are tired
“It was late, you see.”

All characters except one
The hero of the story
The little reader
Who wants to go right back to the beginning
And start all over again
And again and again and again

As parents, teachers, carers, authors
We can give children the gift of reading
With this book bookworms are given
The chance to be creative
And to relish the joy of making things up

This book is the ultimate read for pleasure
For families to share together
And for educators
Home or school or otherwise
What a brilliant and beautiful springboard into
Oral storytelling, writing, art, poetry
Music, dance, EVERYTHING

This has been one of my most anticipated picture books of 2022
And it has not disappointed
It is truly magical
A choose your own fairytale adventure
Where you and your little ones choose the tale to tell

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