The Sea Below My Toes

Sunny summer days are on the horizon
We are looking forward to breakfast on the beach
Rockpool adventures
Swimming in the sea
And paddle boarding and kayaking atop the waves

Oh we do love to be beside the seaside
Oh we do love to be beside the sea
But do you ever wonder what is happening in
The sea below your toes?

Come with me and take a peek beneath the white horses
Come and explore the life below you
In the depths of the ocean
With expert guides Charlotte Guillain and Jo Empson

This vibrant concertina book
Folds out to an amazing 2.5m long
Journey through the different ocean zones
Beginning in the dappled light
Of the Sunlight Zone
With the sea lions and otters
The mackerel and moon jellyfish

As we dive down into the Twilight Zone
We spot a glass octopus
Siphpnophores (Parents of Octonaut fans will know this creature)
Barreleye fish and beaked whales
All going about their business
Among the marine snow!

Down in the Midnight Zone
We find angler fish
Gulper eels
And an underwater robot
Called Nereid Under Ice

I love the way this stunning book
Teaches little readers about sea creatures
Ocean explorers and marine technology

In the depths of the Abyssal Zone
More than 4000 metres from the surface
We find the Mariana Trench
Vents that house tube worms
And undersea mountains

This amazing book
Is perfect for curious little oceanographers
And a gorgeous gift for fans of Octonauts
Old and new
All my children aged 5 – 12 have loved diving deep
Into the pages of this book

Full of fascinating facts
Detailed drawings
This is the best way to learn about
The sea below our toes

Charlotte and Jo have created something
Brilliant and beautiful in
The Sea Below My Toes
To want to save our seas
Children must understand all that lies beneath the ocean waves
Once they understand the awe and wonder of marine habitats
They will want to help raise awareness of how
The amazing creatures living in the ocean
Need our protection

This is the perfect bedtime story
For World Oceans Day
And all days

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