
Today the children and I lost our hearts to Perdu 

A little lost and lonely dog

With nothing to call his own 

Except a little red scarf

And no place to call home 

Perdu follows a leaf tumbling in the wind

Hoping to find a place to belong 

The little dog is sad when he loses his leaf to a stream

He heads into the city

Searching for safety 

But the city does not feel safe 

It is loud and fast 

It is big and busy 

Perdu feels more lost and alone than ever 

All he wants is to find his place 

His somewhere 

People are mean in the city 

Get out they shout 

Go away they say 

Poor Perdu hungry and sore

Curls up in the park 

On the floor 

He is lost and lonely and scared 

And he has lost the one and only thing he had 

His little red scarf

Poor Perdu 

A scared little ball of worry 

But someone has noticed Perdu

Someone has been watching and following the little lost dog 

A little girl in a red bobble hat

She returns Perdu’s scarf 

The little girl has kind eyes 

As Perdu looks up into them

All at once 

He knows he is safe 

He knows that he belongs 

He has found his place

His somewhere 

His someone 

This is such a gorgeous story 

From the darkness and despair of loneliness

Overcoming adversity, obstacles and fear 

Through the power of kindness 

To the light and joy of friendship and belonging 

We have loved getting to know Perdu today 

Using some activity sheets from Peachtree Online 

The children have learned how to draw their own Perdu 

They each did a pencil sketch 

Then a coloured picture of Perdu 

And then had a go at putting Perdu in a scene 

And showing his feelings through the position of his body

The drawing advice from Richard Jones 

Together with the stunning illustrations in the story 

Really inspired the children 

And I am so proud of the artwork they produced 

As they drew we talked a lot about how Perdu’s story 

Can be linked to that of refugee families leaving their homes 

Searching for safety and somewhere new to belong 

A lovely book to use with young children to talk about Loneliness, homelessness, displacement and kindness 

We are all head over heels in love with Perdu      

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