The Boy At The Back Of The Class

One boy at the back of the class

No one knew from where he came

One girl befriended him

And told the world his name.

1 sister, perished at sea

2 parents, lost then found

3 bullies, calling him names

4 friends, save the day

5 secret plans, including the Greatest Idea In The World.

6 seeds from a pomegranate, the perfect taste of home.

7 of the Queen’s special guards, marching in a line

8 reporters, chasing the tale of Ahmet: The Most Famous Refugee Boy in the World.

9 years old, the age of the friends, all different, yet all the same

10 plus one – questions asked by Alexa as she got to know her friend

With Ahmet and his parents united

This story had a happy end

We learned of the plight of refugees

And the power of a friend

There are many refugees in the world

Often children, lost and all alone

What can you do

To help all those who seek asylum and a home?

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