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It can be an emotional time for the whole family when your child is ready to leave nursery and start school, and you might be wondering how you can help with the transition. School will be a big change for your child, even if they’ve attended nursery for several years. Read on for some tips from a nursery in Angel on what you can do to ensure the change goes smoothly.

Talk positively about school

Take the time to explain the differences between nursery and school to your child and talk about the change as something positive and exciting they can look forward to. Point out the benefits they’ll get, such as the chance to make lots of new friends and learn different things, and exposure to a variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities. Remind your child that it means they’re growing up (kids love being treated like adults) and now it’s time to stretch themselves and find out what they’re capable of.

Encourage independence

You can help prepare your child for school by encouraging them to become as independent as possible. Give them the chance to practise getting themselves dressed and undressed, and things like packing their bag and tying their shoes on their own. Equipping them with some of the skills they’ll need at school will boost their confidence and help you both feel more prepared.

Practise the new routine

A couple of weeks before school starts is a good time to start practising the new routine your child will have to get used to. Make sure they go to bed at set times each night and wake up at the same time in the morning as if they were going to school. Practise the morning routine of getting dressed into their school uniform and packing their school bag; you could even practise the journey to school a few times. This will all help everything feel more familiar when the first day of school arrives and give your child a feeling of control.

Visit the school

Take your child to the school a few times if possible to meet their teacher and see their classroom. If you can’t arrange a formal visit, see if you can attend a community event being run on the school grounds so your child can see the setting. The school may also provide settling-in sessions for children which will help ease them into the new environment without overwhelming them.

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