How to Raise an Environmentally Conscious Child #ad

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With the effects of global warming and other environmental concerns at the forefront of media attention recently, it’s difficult to shy away from climate change and what we are doing as individuals to impact the environment. With that said, you might wish to talk to your child about such matters and help them become more environmentally conscious. Here are some tips from a prep school in Guildford.

Go Outside

The best place to start is by exploring nature with your child so that they can develop a sense of respect for the environment and all it has to offer. Ask them to help you with the gardening, take a walk through the woods, go camping, or visit the coast. Talk to them about how human beings are affecting these natural environments and what you can do to help.

Teach Your Child to Recycle

Help your child understand what happens to our rubbish when the refuge collectors come and explain to them the importance of recycling your waste. Avoid single-use items like plastic straws and bottles and talk to your child about why this is important. It doesn’t have to be a one-off, heavy conversation, but chatting about it little and often will help instil these values in your child, especially if you are leading by example.

Reduce Energy Consumption

Encourage your child to turn off the lights and their electronics when they’re not in use and turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Explain why it is important to be more mindful of your energy use as a family and how being wasteful can impact the environment. This should also help reduce your utility bills.

Use the Media for Reference

There are lots of documentaries, films, and books etc that explore the effects of global warming and help people learn about the impact that human beings are having on the world around us and our wildlife. You could watch something like Planet Earth together to expand your knowledge.

Go Litter Picking

Helping out in the community will go a long way when it comes to teaching your child to empathise and consider the bigger picture. Perhaps you could volunteer to go litter picking together, so that your child becomes more conscious of how they dispose of their waste.

There’s no time like the present to start exploring concepts like climate change with your child, because the sooner their learning begins, the sooner they will start to become more mindful and environmentally conscious.

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