Book Review: Bird’s Eye View

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“…I met people!”
“What were they like?”
“They were many, many things. But the ones I will remember most are the ones that were kind.”
Edited text from Bird’s Eye View

A new week and a new book from our favourite Frann Preston-Gannon

As soon as Frann revealed the cover of Bird’s Eye View I knew that I would love it and my heart has soared with Little Bird as I was right!!

Stunningly illustrated and a powerful emotive read with a strong message for little readers about kindness. This beautiful exploration of the many sides of humanity will be key to unlocking conversations with children about the planet we live on, our role as citizens of the earth and our place in humanity.

Little Bird is heading out beyond the treetops to see the world and the people that live there.

Her view from the skyline shows her beautiful lakes surrounded by trees with just two people on a rowing boat.

Her bird’s eye view shows her villages and busy bustling cities.

Little Bird is in awe of all she sees.

She sees so many people all different, colourful and happy.

Soon Little Bird sees the world from a different perspective.

She finds caged birds, mountains of rubbish and a smoke stained sky.

Little Bird is sad and scared until she sees other people cleaning up the mess.

Her little heart fills with hope again and she soars on through the sky thinking how confusing people are.

Little Bird crosses the wide wide sea and finds a winding snake of people.

Broken people with no nest of their own.

People on the move, migrating like birds.

Little Bird feels as tired as those people look as flies away from that place.

Little Bird sees more and more people as she flies.

All different and doing very different things.

There is so much to talk with little readers about in the pages of this book.

Protests, using your voice, homelessness, farming and rewilding, loneliness, being a good neighbour.

At the heart of this book is kindness.

To ourselves, to each other, to animals and to the world we all share together.

Little Bird is almost caught in a net as she flies. She is injured.

It is then she experiences the true kindness of gentle human hands.

She is rescued and cared for and then she is set free with a heart filled with love and hope for the future.

And much to tell her Mama after the long flight home.

I absolutely love this book by Frann Preston-Gannon as I knew I would.

I am going to plan a little home education week around it for my little bookworms.

Thank you for the inspiration and congratulations on a beautiful beautiful book.

Birds Eye View is published by Templar Books and is available to buy now.

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