Exploring Moral Values With Your Child #ad

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Moral values are ideas and thoughts that promote a good way of life. It’s broken down into different areas, such as honesty, respect, responsibility and kindness, among other positive traits that we should all try to adopt.

When we’re young we don’t fully understand these concepts just yet, but like a lot of our lives we’re guided through our parents and how they speak to others, how much they offer support to others and how they express kindness.

In this guide from a nursery in Leicestershire we look at the ways you can explore moral values with your child that will help you to raise a positive role model.

Show kindness
Always show to your child the level of kindness that you’d like to see them. Encourage them to be kind towards others by replicating it in your own life. So, for example, show them that they should try to open doors for people if they’re nearby, ask for permission before doing something, and offer to help if you’re able to. Even the smallest acts of kindness can show to your child that being nice, respectful and supportive goes a long way.

Show your child how to handle mistakes
Mistakes are hard for children to understand, especially when they’re younger. Disagreements between kids are common when they’re trying to understand different viewpoints and feelings, but it’s how your child is able to process these feelings and handle them. Adults can also make mistakes – if you cause upset then it’s important that you apologise to them too. They’ll learn to know that everyone can make a mistake regardless of age and we should all own up to them.

Praising your child
Show your child that they’re doing well in practicing kindness and exploring moral values. Saying things like, “I noticed you helped your friend when they were very upset today, that was very kind of you” will really resonate with your child. They’re learning what’s right and what’s wrong to do but also showing their own initiative by respecting others and improving their personal development.

Listening to your child
Offer your ear to your child often. They’re continually curious about the world and want to learn more about it, and they’ll only begin to learn more by having someone to talk to about their day, common issues and more. This will show them how to listen to teachers, their friends and relatives in different situations.

Here are some of our favourite books for talking with young children

About their feelings and moral values

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