Blog Tour: Interview With A Shark

One of the things that makes me happiest in the world

Is listening to my children read a loud

Today I listened to my 10 year old dyslexic daughter

Read out conversations from

Interview With A Shark

With her Great Uncle

My uncle took on the role of the interviewer

And Esther played the part of the sea creatures

Borrowing some of her voices from Octonauts!

We were all smiling and laughing

As the two of them acted out the interviews

With Esther needing some reassurance

That it was okay to be cheeky to her Great Uncle

And talk about poo

As she was reading in role!

Interview With A Shark & Other Ocean Giants Too

Is an utterly brilliant book from Andy Seed and Nick East

It is perfect for some paired reading

At home or in the classroom

It is a wonderful way to encourage reluctant readers

A great resource for drama

And an awesome way to inspire children

To write and illustrate their own interviews with their favourite animals

If I was still teaching I would definitely be using this book in the classroom

As a springboard for reading, drama, writing and art

It is a fantastic to use with younger readers too

To collect different types of questions and question words

How? How many? What? Where? When? Which? Why? Who?

This book is fantastic fact filled fun

And if your children were raised on Octonauts like mine

You can read an interview from the book together

And then rewatch old favourite episodes from the show

Perfect rainy day learning for children of all ages

Interview With A Shark is written by Andy Seed

We join Andy in his wetsuit (an ordinary suit that he got wet)

With his tranimilator

An accidentally invented machine that allows him to talk to animals

With Andy we dive down deep and meet 10 creatures from beneath the waves

Each interview is wonderfully illustrated by Nick East

The pictures complement the words brilliantly

Giving each animal a distinct character and personality

We learn about the animal’s diet and habitat

We learn about how they find food

How, why and where they travel

We learn how pollution and climate change affects the different creatures

We learn why some great and beautiful creatures are endangered

Every interview is fun and factual

It is a brilliant format for readers of all ages and abilities

My three bigger bookworms, ages 6 to almost 11, all love to read this book

And the first one in the series

Interview With A Tiger And Other Clawed Beasts Too

The interviews are such fun to read together

And it is a really relaxed way to learn lots about different animals

But behind the humour and the engaging pictures

There is a serious message in the pages of this book

Warning us all about the damage we are causing to our oceans

Having shown us the amazing creatures of the deep

We are then reminded of the hurt we are causing

And shown how we can help to start to put things right

How we can help the creatures we admire and are in awe of

The suggestions at the back of the book

Are a perfect springboard for children and families to take action

To look after our planet

And all who live on it

We cannot wait for the next book in the series

And have been guessing what it might be

We are hoping for birds

We think our winged friends would definitely have some stories to tell!

We were sent one copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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