Book Review: Grandad’s Camper

We have had the best family weekend

My sister and her family have been with us

We visited our Aunty to wish her a happy 80th birthday

We camped in our garden

Went on night and day walks around the local area

Cooked on the fire

Played in the paddling pool

And had a magical morning at the beach

Splashing and swimming in the sea

It was simple

And so special

Being able to be together

To relax together

To let the children explore and play

To really spend time talking and catching up

It was just really really lovely

And I did not want our time together to end

We made magical memories together

The children all get along so well

It was a weekend to savour

And a real boost for all of us after a rubbish 18 months

Of being kept apart

The memories we have made together

Reminded me of the story of Grandad’s Camper

By Harry Woodgate

This is a beautiful book with stunning artwork

Including THE most stunning endpapers

Harry Woodgate came up with the story of Grandad’s Camper

When they were working on their dissertation project at university

Which was all about LGBT+ representation in illustrated children’s books

They found that there was lack of representation for older members of the LGBT+ community

They wanted to create a story all about a loving grandparent relationship

To fill the gap that they had found on children’s bookshelves

Grandad’s Camper is about the love that makes a family

And the wonderful stories that can be passed down through generations

It is also a book about loss

And encourages us to celebrate those we’ve lost

And to find ways to carry that love and our lost loved ones with us

This is a book about healing and it really resonated with me

And reminds me of our #livingfortilda way of life

The story tells of a granddaughter and grandad who share a very special bond

The little girl visits her grandad every summer

And they have a wonderful time together

Her favourite thing to do with him

Is to snuggle up and listen to him

Talk about the amazing places he and Gramps explored

Grandad and Gramps travelled together in their camper

Through Grandad’s memories we learn about Gramps

The handsome, untidy adventurer

We learn about their life together on the road

The places that they visited

The things that they liked to do together

And we learn that Gramps has died

The story is told with such love and tenderness

The colourful illustrations are filled with such joy

Now that Gramps is not around anymore

Grandad no longer wants to go on adventures

But his granddaughter wonders if she might be able to change his mind

And help Grandad to adventure again with Gramps in his heart

This is such a beautiful story

Illustrating the strength and power of intergenerational bonds

It is a story of hope for the future

It is a story about living after loss

Of living with grief

And all of these things are explored within

A multi-ethnic family with grandparents in the LGBT+ community

It is a truly wonderful story

That makes me want to savour every moment with my loved ones

With Tilda in my heart

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