Book Review: Hope Jones Saves The World

A brilliant little book for young eco warriors

A timely story that links up saving the planet with safe internet use

And positive use of the internet

A story of family and community

And one girl’s wish to save the world

One turtle at a time

Written by Josh Lacey

With super black and white illustrations from Beatriz Castro

And published by Andersen Press

This is … Hope Jones Saves The World

Hope Jones is a 10 year old girl on a mission

She wants to save the world

Beginning with giving up plastic to save our oceans

Hope starts a blog to document her journey

She plans to write it everyday

A new start for a new year

With a New Year’s resolution

Giving up plastic

Because plastic is making a mess of the whole world

Hope knows her facts

And she is using her blog to tell the world

Did you know that …

“More plastic has already been produced in the twenty-first century than during the whole of the
twentieth century.

The average person eats a hundred microplastics in every meal.

Plastic kills at least a million birds a year.

Two million plastic bags are used around the world every day.”

Hope soon realises that giving up plastic is not going to be easy

There is so much plastic used in our day to day lives

In our shops, our homes, our schools

Hope is determined not to give up

She begins her mission at her local supermarket

When she realises just how much plastic packaging is being used

She makes a banner and begins a peaceful protest

She talks to people about the problem with plastic

And tries to encourage people to buy and use less plastic products

Hope also writes to the store manager

To ask him directly to use less plastic in his shop

With the support of family and friends

And kind, interested passers by

Hope’s campaign gains momentum

And Hope learns lots along the way too

About being a vegan and using biodegradable glitter

Because of Hope’s passion and determination

The local café decides to reduce their use of plastic

And become more environmentally responsible

Hope and her family begin to make small changes at home

And so do some of her friends

Hope’s blog grows and a video interview that she does about plastic goes viral

Her school want to know more about her campaign

And she leads a school assembly which makes the Head decide

To get the whole school community to be more green

Hope is making a difference

I love this book

I really enjoyed that story being told through blog extracts

I loved the sense of community in the book

And how supportive Hope’s family were

I love that the book mentions internet safety issues

And I love that Hope is not a saint

She is a fiercely passionate activist

A creative and confident communicator

But she is also just a regular girl who does not always makes the best choices

And finds herself grounded at one point in the story

Hope is a brilliant role model for young children

To inspire us all to make a stand for what we believe in

To enlist our friends and family to help us raise awareness

For causes that mean a lot to us

To be confident and determined and to do what we think is right

This book shows us all

Big and small

That we can make a difference

We may not be able to single handedly save the world

But we can make a change

We can make a difference

“… doing something is definitely better than doing nothing.”

We received our copy of this book in a Tales By Mail subscription box sent for review

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