Sometimes I Feel … A Menagerie of Feelings Big and Small

Some feelings are big

Some are small

Some are loud

Some are quiet

Some are fleeting

Some last long

There are lots of ways that we can feel

So many emotions big and small

They can be entirely overwhelming as an adult

How must new, big, strange, ongoing emotions impact upon our children?

Feelings are complex

The language around emotions can be confusing

So where do we as parents, teachers and carers begin?

With books

With beautiful books

And this might just be one of the most beautiful books about feelings

I have ever seen

Sometimes I Feel … A Menagerie of Feelings Big and Small

Written and illustrated by Sarah Maycock

Published by Big Picture Press

Sometimes I Feel … is a breathtaking work of art

From the stunning cave painting style endpapers

To every animal portrait

Each one is stunning

Sarah explains in her authors note that she spent time drawing at London Zoo

Watching how the animals moved

In each animal she says that she

“… saw a feeling that at face value seemed simple … In looking closer, there is empathy, and in relating, there is self awareness.”

This is a book that with few words says so very much

The book uses animal similies

To explore human emotions

It shows the big feeling

And the underlying or contrasting emotion or thought that comes with it

“Sometimes I feel as big as a bear
But there will always be someone bigger than me
And sometimes I will feel small”

This is a brilliant book

For talking to children about feelings

Big feelings and small

Good feelings and bad

And how it is possible to feel strong and weak at the same time

How it is good to be busy but it is also good to slow down

How you can feel scared and brave at the same time

How we can convince ourselves to stand tall and be brave when we are feeling tiny and timid

This is a book to encourage conversation around feelings

To support children’s emotional literacy

To help them on their journey to become self aware

This book introduces a whole host of emotions

And shows us all that no one feeling stands alone

It is part of a complicated web of being

That makes us human

This book shows children that all feelings are valid

And is a wonderful way to open up discussions with our little people

That are so so so important

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week

The theme for this year is Nature

Over the coming week the children and I are going to be reading books

About feelings, mindfulness and mental health

We are also going to be spending as much time as possible



In nature

We are going to begin by exploring this incredible book

And writing and illustrating our own animal similes

Sometimes I feel … inspired

Thank you Sarah Maycock

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