Helping Your Child Revise for Exams #ad

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Exam periods for children are often one of their most stressful parts of their education, and with a lot more to focus on later on in their school years as well it can be daunting for them.

Providing your children with the capabilities to revise in ways that work within your home will give them that time and space to look at mock exams, practise certain revision techniques that work for them and prepare with a multitude of study aids.

From this private school in Cardiff, we’ll show you the top ways to help your child be prepared and ready to revise for their exams.

Build a separate area for your child to study in
Having a place to work that gives your child some space, quiet time and a specific area to focus on their studies will make them become focused and aligned on revising. It also removes the temptation to procrastinate as much as possible, removing all distractions and gives them the time for them to complete tasks quicker and more effectively.

Make sure the subject is different each day
Mix up the work they revise each day, or split up the work across the day if they’re revising for a number of things. This is so they don’t become overwhelmed looking over a number of subjects at once.

This also gives them a break from their work in between to collect their thoughts, remind themselves of what they learnt the day before and not overwork themselves.

Use a timetable
Plan their days accordingly with a set structure for when they want to study is a sure way to keep your child focused and on task. It can also prepare them for planning the days ahead as they go through the week.

Make sure you give your child adequate breaks and time for them to reflect on what they’ve learnt within the timetabled schedule so that they have time to collect their thoughts and think about their next steps.

When they finish revising a hard subject, give them a reward
Providing incentives for when they’ve done hard work or a long day of studying will make them feel better about their efforts. Rewards can be also aimed for after they complete their exams, so that they feel motivated to continue revising and working hard for their exams.

If it all pays off in the end with glowing exam results, then you can treat them further with congratulatory presents and praise after revising so well!

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