Book Review: When’s My Birthday?

Tomorrow is a big day at Edspire HQ

It is Edie’s birthday eve

She is very very very excited about turning four

While I am in complete denial

My baby is going to be four!

While it feels as if Edie has always been here

I am sure that it was just yesterday that she was born

Her little life has truly raced by

And it really is hard to come to terms with the fact that

This rainy Saturday we will be celebrating four whole years

Of our littlest baby

Our Edith Mabel

Our Edie Mae

And we have found THE perfect book for counting down to a birthday

If you have a little one with a birthday coming soon

This is the book you need

When’s My Birthday

Written by Julie Fogliano

And illustrated by Christian Robinson

This is a brilliant book

And an absolute joy to read aloud

As Bea will demonstrate beautifully for you below

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