5 Screen-Free Activities to Explore with Your Child #ad

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Are you looking for some activities to do that don’t rely on a tablet, phone or the TV? This private school in Kensington has provided 5 ways you can take your child away from the screen.

1 – Read a book together
Sharing memories together by pulling out a picture book, or a novel your child’s really excited to read, will give you both some time away from the screen. If it’s sunny outside you could take your reading out into the garden to enjoy together.

Allow your child to imagine the world they’re reading about and take regular breaks to check in and see if your child is enjoying the story and wants to find out more about the plot.

2 – Play a board game
Often a rainy day activity, board games are a great way of playing with the kids and letting them use their critical thinking skills. It can often get competitive with the children involved, though, so be sure to have a back up plan if they start to become frustrated.

Have a variety of games planned for the day to get them using different skills and parts of their brain. You’ll be surprised how much brain power is used in a board game!

3 – Start an art project
Get the paints out, paper and make some creations! A firm favourite with children is painting using their feet or handprints. Alternatively you can make a collage by using old magazines and newspapers around a certain theme, such as animals or a specific country.

4 – Bake a cake
There’s nothing more exhilarating than getting the mixer out, grabbing some eggs and flour and making a cake with your child. They can test their motor skills out by binding the cake mix together, cracking the eggs and adding the mixture into a baking tray.

If you keep the tradition of many in the household they’ll always look forward to licking the bowl afterwards!

5 – Let them help with the chores
If you’ve got an abundance of things to do in the house, get your kids involved! Giving them a little bit of pocket money for the chores they complete will give them an incentive to keep helping you in the future.

You can also show them how to do certain tasks like cleaning kitchen floors, filling your dishwasher or dusting around the home.

What are your favourite screen free things to do with your little ones?

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