Blog Tour: Pablo The Rescue Cat

My Bea, age 6

Is crazy for cats

She loves to read about them

Collects cuddly cats

And I think would love a real cat of her own

Bea also has struggled with lockdown

More than our other children

Esther and William have each other

Edie does not really remember life before lockdown

But Bea I think sometimes feels quite lonely

And has missed a year of being with other children

And having opportunities to make friends

I actually think having a cat could be really good for her

I think all of our children would benefit from having a pet

Esther loves animals and wants to work with animals when she is older

So any experience of caring for creatures is important for her

William I think would love having a pet to talk to

To snuggle with

Edie would like a rabbit

And I would actually really like a dog

So I do think pets will feature in our future

I am just not sure that now is the right time

Though that was before Bea and I read Pablo The Rescue Cat

A gorgeous rhyming picture book

Written by Charlotte Williams

And illustrated by Angela Perrini

Charlotte has shared with us the inspiration for writing this fantastic fable

About finding a feline friend

My book is quite simply a poetic account of what my life with my rescue cat Pablo was like. I adopted him in 2017 from an animal shelter because my partner travels so much and I was
struggling with living alone. My partner seriously didn’t want me to get a cat, so I snuck out
while he was taking nap and bought a cat carrier and a litter tray on my way to the shelter!
Safe to stay, he was not best pleased with me. Anyway, Pablo was shy with everyone, but
we had this instant connection, he walked straight over to me when I went into his pen,
head bumped my leg, then let me stroke his belly. Which is a huge sign of trust in cats. Pablo
completely filled that hole in my heart that seemed to grow every time my partner left,
whether he was gone for just a few weeks or 6 months. Pablo was glued to me whenever I
was home. He’d sit on my lap while I ate my breakfast, he’d sunbathe with me in the garden
and he’d sit outside my bedroom in the mornings gently pawing the door to try wake me up.
Sadly, my little Pablo died in February from a heart blockage. Writing this book has been a
way for me to heal and ensure he keeps spreading his love forever.

Knowing that this beautiful book is a love letter to her lost Pablo

Has made me love the story even more

It has also opened up conversations with the children about love and loss

And knowing that animals become a part of the family

Loving them is wonderful but losing them would be horrible

Having already lost a sister and understanding the impact that has had on everyone and everything

They know that adopting a pet is a huge commitment and one that needs serious consideration

And it is something to be undertaken at a time when we are all ready

The story of Pablo The Rescue Cat is just lovely

It is about a young girl who is feeling lonely

And a family who decide to adopt an animal

And give them a forever home

The little girl and her mum drive to the

Second Chance Animal Shelter

They look at the dogs first

But realise that they are not at home enough to have a dog

And so the little girl and her mum go to meet the cats

One cat comes straight to her and “flops over belly-up at her feet”

The little girl knows instantly that he is the one

The cat was called Pablo and his owner had died

The little girl adopts Pablo and takes him home

Pablo is nervous and timid at first

But he soon relaxes and bonds beautifully with the little girl

The illustrations are filled with warmth

Showing magic moments between the two new friends

This really is a beautiful book

I love the spread when the little girl and Pablo are together in the garden

I also love the picture showing a mischievous Pablo

Who is hiding away in the toilet roll drawer

A beautiful spread shows the years pass

For Pablo and the little girl

Growing older together

Never feeling lonely when the other is there

A wonderful portrayal of the special bond between the girl and her cat

Pablo The Rescue Cat

“She smiled and remembered
The times they’s been through.
I rescued you, Pablo
But you rescued me too.”

Now I am not a cat person

I do not like them at all

But the last four lines of this book

Really got to me and made me cry

And has got me wondering all over again

If we need to add a four legged friend to our family?

This book is available to buy now

And a proportion of the profits from each sale

Will be donated to animal shelters in the UK

We are part of a Blog Tour sharing this lovely book

Do check out the other stops on the tour

I think this book will make you smile x

We were sent one copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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