How CBD Can Help Reduce Feelings of Anxiety

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Long term readers of Edspire will know that I have had a long battle with my mental health

I have had support through counselling for anxiety and PTSD

Triggered by grief

And the traumatic circumstances that led to Esther and William’s premature birth

I have had mental health problems (I am sure there is a better word) for over 10 years

Before that I was often shy and socially awkward

And I worried a lot about things I could not control

And I have always been very emotional

My anxiety has become a huge and sometimes over powering part of my life

It leads to me being misunderstood and misinterpreted a lot

Anxiety can be physically crippling

It means that sometimes there are places I cannot go

There are situations that I have to avoid

Even when doing so hurts or upsets other people

Sometimes I have to make hard decisions

That hurt

To protect my mental health

To survive

It all sounds very melodramatic

Until you are living with the feelings yourself

And realise how debilitating grief, anxiety and PTSD can be

I have not yet in my life taken medication for my mental health

I have talked about it at length with friends and counsellors and family

I just cannot bring my myself to do it

I read a lot about mental health

And different medications, talk therapies and herbal remedies

I read a lot about mindfulness and slowing down

And I have also read about CBD

Which is why I have agreed to host this sponsored post

Because sometimes it helps to know what is out there

And while I understand it is a controversial topic

The information may be helpful to someone somewhere

Anxiety is part of being human. As a young species, evolving in a dangerous world, we developed a series of survival instincts and biological responses that are meant to keep us safe and help us respond to danger. Anxiety is one of those responses; it’s part of the body’s fight or flight response. In everyday life, anxiety emerges as a natural response to danger and uncertainty. And 2020 is a year filled with both.

While feeling some anxiety can be normal and healthy, being constantly anxious can be really bad for your health. The good news is that there is a variety of methods you can use in order to help reduce your levels of anxiety, and CBD is one of them. CBD products can help you relax, whether you are suffering from regular anxiety, or dealing with one of the many anxiety disorders out there.

Plus, nowadays, there are so many different types of CBD products out there that there really is something for everyone. For instance, you can now buy everything from CBD oils, to CBD skin care products, and even CBD gummies and other edibles. Accordingly, if you would like to learn more about the number of CBD gummies you will need to take to feel the benefits, you can find some helpful resources on the CFAH website. Not only is there a wide variety of products out there, there is also a wide variety of price point for these products, depending on what you choose, making CBD an affordable option for as many people as possible. Plus, if you click here, you may even be able to get a great deal on some CBD, and who doesn’t love saving money?!

What is CBD?
Even if you have heard of CBD before, you may still have questions over what the substance actually is. Put simply, CBD is one of the active agents found in plants of the cannabis family.
For a long time, there was no way to legally gain access to CBD in the UK. But back in 2014, hemp was legalized within the country. “Hemp” is the legal name given to any strain of cannabis that contains less than 0.2% of THC. Since THC is the substance responsible for the intoxicating properties of cannabis, this means that hemp can’t be used for recreational purposes.

Today all commercially available CBD in the UK is extracted from hemp. This means that CBD will not leave you intoxicated or alter your perceptions of reality in any way. All it does is act as a mood suppressant, and offer a variety of health benefits. This includes working as a cheap, effective, and natural anti-anxiety medication. I’ve then also come to learn of some popular ways to consume CBD for those that it benefits, for example, Edibles were the most popular choice followed by oils and various tinctures.

How CBD helps with anxiety
As mentioned before, anxiety is the body’s response to uncertainty. That’s why you feel extra anxious before big events or when unexpected problems happen. It’s why you feel a twist in your gut when you hear a noise outside your window, or when your car suddenly breaks down.

Your body causes those responses through a variety of mechanisms. But the main cause of anxiety is a spike in stress-related hormones in your bloodstream. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. And CBD, once it enters your system, can cause a reduction in the level of those hormones. That can help you calm down and greatly reduce your feelings of anxiety.

These hormones have a hand in causing all sorts of anxiety, from your everyday worries to the symptoms caused by PTSD and other disorders. And since CBD reduces the levels of those hormones, it can be used as an effective treatment for all types of anxiety. You can use it to calm your nerves before an important meeting, or you can make it a part of your routine so you’ll always be calmer overall.

Whether or not CBD will be able to eliminate your anxiety will depend on the dose you use, and on how intense your anxiety is. But at the very least products like Cibdol’s CBD capsules can be used to regulate your anxiety levels, so these negative emotions will be easier to manage.

(It is advisable to talk to a doctor or medical professional before taking any supplements)

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