For me the novelty of lockdown has well and truly worn off
While there are many wonderful reasons to love time at home
With our children
To be honest I am struggling
Edie is really hard work at the moment
Just busy being two
Testing boundaries
I am finding dealing with her behaviour really hard
While the big two children are good at amusing themselves
For fairly long periods of time
Bea and Edie are not
Of course they are not
They are just little children
Bea is very emotional at the moment
Not a day passes when she is not crying
Or complaining something or everything hurts
I am utterly shattered
And while David is home
He is home and working
As much as it is possible to work
With four children running around
I spend so much time planning activities
Printing and creating resources
Trying to ensure I have something
For everyone to do if the need arises
But keeping up with the very short attention span of a two year old
Is a full time job
And I do not have that time
Alongside educating and parenting the older three
I feel incredibly thinly stretched at the moment
And there is no room in our busy family life for me to do what I need to do
What I want to do
I have had no time to process what is going on outside our four walls at all
Sometimes I feel just once in a while I would like to watch the news
And have a good cry
This situation is new for everyone
It is frustrating
And it is scary
I have no problem admitting that I am scared
Though I know it makes some people uncomfortable
To hear me say those words
I consider myself something of a veteran
At living through trauma
And this is exactly what that feels like
I feel like I am waiting to get sick
For David or the children to get sick
For it to be someone we know and care for
It feels like life has been paused while we wait for a thing
And no one is sure what that thing will be or what it will do
Or how it will end
I am scared that we are going to be in lockdown for a long time
But I think I am more terrified that the lockdown will be lifted too soon
Before we know more about protection and how we can better treat the virus
I do not want to be a part of herd immunity
I do not want that for my children
But at the same time I know that my mental health is starting to shred around the edges
I know that people need money and need to work
I appreciate that children need to go to school
That life has to return to some kind of normality
Even if it is a new normal
Another thing I am very accustomed to
Adjusting my expectations of what normal can be
I am struggling with the monotony of our day to day
Get up
Have breakfast
Learning time for a couple of hours
Make snack for everyone
Make lunch for everyone
More play and activities
Go for a walk
Make tea for everyone
It just goes on and on
I miss driving my car with us all singing along to the music
I miss spending time with my older children without the little ones
I miss one on one time with my children
I miss time to write my blog
I miss having any income to work for
I miss my friends
I miss the small talk that I find so hard
I miss grabbing a coffee
I miss getting out and exploring with friends
I miss the theatre
I miss having any time for me when the children are all in classes
I miss the sea
This time of year is always a struggle for me
As we countdown to Tilda’s birthday
She should be 8 this year
Today we should be travelling to Coombe Mill
To enjoy the farm and visit the place where we set Tilda’s ashes sail
On her first birthday
I hate that has been taken away

Tilda’s Boat made by Daddy x
People say that we are so blessed
And we are
But it is okay to be blessed and stressed
It is okay to be ‘privileged’ and still struggle
It is okay to feel lost and alone
It is okay to miss the life that has been snatched from us
It really is okay to not be okay
And to admit that we are exhausted and scared
I find food stressful at the moment
Getting a delivery is impossible
Going out to a shop feels like a real risk
Bringing groceries into the house feels dangerous
We spend ages washing the shopping
And it is a real trigger for me
It makes me think about the possibly severe implications of everything that we do
The virus frightens me
The competency of our government concerns me
The not knowing what we do or where we go from here frightens me
Lockdown is not fun
But not being in lockdown is a real worry for me
I am of the mind that we will not be going anywhere
Until there is a vaccine
The lack of information and guidance around this whole situation I find difficult
And though I do not really watch the news
I do stumble across things online
People who have been ill for over 30 days
With a respiratory version of Covid19
Or a horrific sounding gastric versions
I cannot be ill for over 30 days
Who would look after my children
Especially if David and I were poorly at the same time
I am so scared of the children getting ill
Especially Esther and William who were born so very premature

Esther and William in NICU
I worry that when the lockdown lifts it will not really be safe to go out
We will not feel safe
I think it might feel like leaving NICU
I worry that I will have forgotten how to be
I worry that the end of lockdown will be mishandled
By people being guided by the wrong priorities
I know that I sound crazy
On the whole I am doing okay
We are doing okay
We are surviving and from the outside looking in
Perhaps thriving
We fill our days with fun and play and learning
Any gaping gaps where we all just need to stop are plugged with TV
And we get out for a walk each and every day
Being allowed that daily walk out has truly been the saviour of my sanity thus far
And I know that the children enjoy it too
Something a little different
Somewhere a little different
Space to breathe and run
I know that I am lucky
To have a garden
To live in a rural location
To have the food we need
To have our health
I know that we are blessed
And I am so incredibly grateful
But I am also finding this time hard
And that is okay
It really is okay to not be okay