The Longest Week of the Year BY FAR!

Today is Thursday (written last night!)

Edie started with the virus on Monday

Bea started on Tuesday

David worked from home Wednesday

Even with both of us home

It was constant

Esther has been poorly

Coughs and sneezes

She has soldiered on like a star

Today I woke up and could have cried

When I realised it was only Thursday

William, the one healthy one

Is amped up to a particular peak of Williamness!

We are all feeling the strain

Poor old Edie has been really wiped out

Bea is an awful patient

I am not a natural nurse

And today we had all just had enough

This has been a horrible week

I will be very glad to see the back of it

And move on from it

I am exhausted

We had to cancel plans with friends

Which left us all disappointed

We are all ready to start anew

Our children are not often ill

But having 3 out of 4 living children poorly

All at the same time

Is utterly shattering

I just physically do not have enough hands and arms

I cannot do everything for everyone

I cannot give out enough cuddles

I have felt like a terrible mummy this week

Because I seem to have been constantly letting at least one of my children down

Parenting four young children is really hard work

The logistics can be overwhelming

But we muddle through

We keep on keeping on

And even on our worst days

All the basics always get done

They might get done in pyjamas

But they always get done

So while this week has bee far from pleasant

For everyone

It will soon be over

We have Daddy home for the long weekend

We have no plans

The sun is shining

William is cooking us all dinner on the fire

Adventure surely awaits

Have a lovely long weekend everyone

May it be filled with adventure and play x

5 thoughts on “The Longest Week of the Year BY FAR!

  1. What about a Mother’s help? Or local teenager? Or university student studying something empathetic like teaching or nursing or counselling? One day a week? A morning or afternoon a week? Whatever frequency suits your family. You don’t have 4 pairs of arms and can only do so much. You do not have to do everything. My husband, many years ago, let me flounder for only 4 weeks before announcing that we were not SuperHuman and employed a nanny as I couldn’t do everything that needed to be done. I thought I was a failure. He was right. It was THE best thing that I needed as a Mum of a child with SuperPowers and a baby. Many years later, we continue to have support in the home. Mothering is a marathon and not a foot race. There is nothing to be gained, other than utter physical and emotional exhaustion, by trying to be everything to everyone. It is not possible. Sharing the load makes it lighter. Try it.

    • I actually would love a student to come and work with us, it is something David and I have talked about often. Just not sure how to make it happen. I know how important on the job training is as I am a teacher myself. Maybe I will email local colleges, that might be a good place to start.Thank you x

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